Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books.
Wisdom comes from the knowledge and knowledge originate from personal experiences and reading. Whatever lead our dreams for better life to become a reality, is our experience. I strongly believe that several factors like shaping insight towards ourselves and others, learning skills, and even writing about various themes cause experiences take advantages of reading.
First, people all around the word make a decision and act based their interpretation about events and communications with others. Making a relationships with other people and getting involved in different situation and duties help them to construct their personal conception in order to manage their affairs. This procedure cannot be acquired by reading some books. For instance, whatever can be effective on our social skills would obtain via identify their own personalities not by reading books.
The second reason for considering preference for experiment, is learning skills. Authors describe some theoretical issues without explain how to fulfil some exercises successfully. For example, for preparing delicious meals, the chief must try to boil, fry, or steam some vegetables or some pieces of meat. If he just read the recipes, he cannot afford cooking well. Practicing continuously improve his cooking skills. Because he would recognize his mistakes and correct them in his next effort.
In spite of the general assumption, majority of books are written according to author's personal experiences and investigations. Most of texts within basic science are excellent paradigms. If scientists do not accomplish crucial experiences in their laboratories, no sufficient book are written, so knowledge do not pass through generations.
In general. We should more pay attention to accept experiences than reading. Because of shaping our point of view, learning skills practically and writing effective books as a gift for the next generaton.
Wisdom comes from the knowledge and knowledge originate from personal experiences and reading. Whatever lead our dreams for better life to become a reality, is our experience. I strongly believe that several factors like shaping insight towards ourselves and others, learning skills, and even writing about various themes cause experiences take advantages of reading.
First, people all around the word make a decision and act based their interpretation about events and communications with others. Making a relationships with other people and getting involved in different situation and duties help them to construct their personal conception in order to manage their affairs. This procedure cannot be acquired by reading some books. For instance, whatever can be effective on our social skills would obtain via identify their own personalities not by reading books.
The second reason for considering preference for experiment, is learning skills. Authors describe some theoretical issues without explain how to fulfil some exercises successfully. For example, for preparing delicious meals, the chief must try to boil, fry, or steam some vegetables or some pieces of meat. If he just read the recipes, he cannot afford cooking well. Practicing continuously improve his cooking skills. Because he would recognize his mistakes and correct them in his next effort.
In spite of the general assumption, majority of books are written according to author's personal experiences and investigations. Most of texts within basic science are excellent paradigms. If scientists do not accomplish crucial experiences in their laboratories, no sufficient book are written, so knowledge do not pass through generations.
In general. We should more pay attention to accept experiences than reading. Because of shaping our point of view, learning skills practically and writing effective books as a gift for the next generaton.