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Global awareness - "What characteristic appeals to you and why?" - FSU ADMISSIONS

rachaelkelli 1 / -  
Aug 6, 2011   #1
Florida State University is more than just a world-class academic institution preparing you for a future career. We are a caring community of well-rounded individuals who embrace leadership, learning, service, and global awareness. With this in mind, which of these characteristics appeal most to you, and why? (must be 500 words or less)

An old chinese proverb stated, "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." No matter what life takes away from me in my future, whether it be my house, my money, or any other materialistic things, I know that nobody in this world can take away what I've learned. Learning is the fundamental building block to the rest of your life. From the moment we come into this world, to the time we leave, we are constantly acquiring information.

From growing up and personal experiences, I've been able to gain knowledge educationally and most importantly, through life. From my freshmen year of high school, until my junior year, I've been alternating to three different high schools. Each environment was diverse but I learned how to adapt to stricter and more lenient curriculum. However, I've learned the most through personal experiences. Past relationships have taught me that communication is vital for the relationship to last, because talking through a misunderstanding will only help you to understand the other person better. Through friendships, I've learned that there's no such thing as a real friend without trust. And without trust, you can't continue to grow with another person. Life has taught me a plethora of things, but being dedicated and exerting as much effort as you possibly can is something I will never forget.

All-in-all, learning has been the fundamental steps in my life. *Being well-rounded since I was four, through karate classes, dance classes, gymnastics, soccer, and having played the piano for twelve years, I know.* By not only limiting myself to just one of the many characteristics that the Florida State University community embodies, I have been able to learn leadership, service, and also global awareness. I have learned teamwork, organization, and self-development skills from my leadership skills. Through volunteering at my local library for two-consecutive summers, I have grasped how community service really benefits the local community. Volunteering out of the good of your heart, really makes you feel better about yourself. Global awareness has shown me to see the world as one, and not as separate countries. Being aware of what's going on in the world we live in is important because you learn about issues such as politics, the environment, the economy and other cultures. I will continue to contribute to the Florida State community in the future.
raza68 5 / 23  
Aug 6, 2011   #2
"An old chinese proverb stated, "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.""--- an old Chinese proverb states

"building block to the rest of your life"--- I think it would sound better if you said one's life.
"alternating to three different high school"--- alternating between
"because talking through a misunderstanding will only help you to understand the other person better"-- sounds kind of wordy. Try to cut down that whole sentence

"Volunteering out of the good of your heart, really makes you feel better about yourself"-- again try to use one
Nice essay. These revisions should help! good luck!!
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Aug 6, 2011   #3
An old Chinese ---capitalize Chinese!---proverb stated, "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."---This seems like it should say, "Knowledge is a ..."

No matter what life takes away from me in my future, whether it be my house, my money, or any other materialistic things , I know that nobody in this world can take away what I've learned.

From my freshmen year of high school, until my junior year, I've been alternating between three different high schools.

All-in-all, learning has been the fundamental steps in my life.---This sentence doesn't seem to make sense, so you should revise it. Usually, if you read an essay out loud to yourself, you can hear what might not sound right.

Global awareness has shown me to see the world as one, and not as separate countries.

The prompt asks, 'which of the Florida State Characteristics appeals to you and why?' I don't think you're answering it. Say something about the school characteristic, THEN say what it means to you.

Have fun in school, and good luck!


Home / Undergraduate / Global awareness - "What characteristic appeals to you and why?" - FSU ADMISSIONS
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