hi everybody..plese bare with me as this is my first time i'm using this site..the teacher ask us to write an essay descriptive on food fight or the making of a soldier....please help as i dont have a clue as how to start
I think writing a descriptive essay on a food fight would be pretty easy. You could start off with somewhat of a visual (i dont know if that makes sense). For example, you could explain in great details of how a food fight would start. Something like, "Just when Jane thought she was safe a big piece of what the cafeteria calls meatloaf hits her right in the face" or something like that. I don't know if the essay is on what goes on during a food fight or how one gets started.
A soldier would have to be loyal, patient, brave, modest, etc. you can give examples f situations and how a good soldier would behave. For example, real soldiers never give up. Hope this helps. :)
many thanks for you help....i wasnt sure of the beginning ,but now i have an idea....thank so much :)
Well, if it's supposed to be a descriptive essay, start by picturing the food fight you are going to describe in your head. Then, write down everything you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste as you imagine the scene. Then post your draft here for more feedback.
Food fight would be far easier to write. I would go with foodfight and open with a description of a foodfight, perhaps from a particular persons perspective.
I wonder... is it supposed to be about EITHER a food fight OR the making of a soldier, or is it supposed to be like this: Food Fight: The making of a Soldier.
Because that would be cool!
Can you describe a change that occurs in a girl's mind as she suddenly is caught in the crossfire of a food fight? Anger wells up in her, and then momentary nervousness, and, suddenly, courage. She springs into action and gathers an arsenal of pudding.
Her life is changed forever by her new-found warrior spirit.
I went with the "or" in the original instructions, but combining the two topics would be very interesting.