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"Literature takes us to a better place, a different place." (Archetypal Theory)

Laraib 1 / 4  
Jul 23, 2016   #1
Peter Pan a story that takes us to a world of dreams, fairies, and childhood memories. Archetypes are understood symbols, terms or models of a person. They can show the character's personality or behavior, recognizing archetypes help us understand the morals of the story better. Recognizing archetypal patterns in literature brings patterns we all unconsciously respond to in similar ways to a conscious level. Literature takes us to a different and better place.

**This is my introduction. Any feedback is appreciated.
RadhiyahFahra 1 / 2  
Jul 24, 2016   #2
Hi Laraib
Your intro has already good. I found few grammatical error here

Peter Pan is a story that takes us to a world of dreams...
... personality or behavior, recognizing archetypes to help us understand the morals of the story better.
OP Laraib 1 / 4  
Jul 24, 2016   #3
Literature takes us to a different, better place, and connects to our life's.(Archetypal Theory)

Formal research essay, therefore it must be in 3rd person present tense.

MLA secondary sources and quotations from the primary source within the body of your paper.

Peter Pan is a story taking us to a world of dreams, fairies, and childhood memories. The characters, themes, symbols, and situation of Peter Pan offer the reader an understanding of Archetypal Theory. Archetypes are understood as symbols, terms or models of a person. They can show the character's personality or behavior. Not only does recognizing archetypes help us understand the morals of the story better, but it also brings patterns we all unconsciously respond to in similar ways to a conscious level. Literature takes us to a different, better place, and connects to our life's.

The author through using character archetypes provides the reader a better interpretation of the plot and lessons. The archetypes help us understand the role different characters plays. The archetype of hero faces challenges, goes against enemies, forms alliances, and passes through a journey of self-development. Peter was the hero as struggling with the challenge to live without a family because of his wish to never grow up; Peter also went against Hook to save the lost brothers and Wendy from him. Thus, portraying Peter as a hero. We can connect this archetype of the hero to our lives because in our lives we also have a person who for us is a hero who has saved or saves us from a difficult situation, problems, and worries. The shadow in the novel was hook who wanted to kill Peter to take revenge. This archetype connects to our life's because we have people who always cause some trouble or problems in our life's. The trickster in this novel is Tinker Bell, who tricked Toots in shooting Wendy not knowing that she is not a bird. The characters and the role they play all connect to or life's because we have people in our life's with certain roles. Scott Francis (2011) stated that "Archetypes force us to delve deeper into them characters, to see them as not just "Character 1" or "Librarian" but as a type of person who responds in very specific ways to the conflict within your story" (para.6).

Themes are the heart of the story because they present a fundamental idea or moral lesson that the character learns as a result of the plot. There are some dominant themes found in the novel which helps the reader learn a valuable lesson. The most common archetypes theme found in many stories is the battle between good vs. evil which is present in this book. The situational archetype of task contributes better to the overall understanding of this theme and the valuable lesson learned from this theme. Peter and the Lost brothers were against the evil Captain Hook, who wanted to kill them to take revenge from them. Hook captured Wendy and the lost brother but, Peter managed to save them from Hook's wrath. This theme gives the reader the idea that good will always win over. This theme takes us to a better place and makes the reader realize that the world is full of good stuff and people who will triumph over the evil. This archetype is a part of every human life; everyone has a good and evil side of them, in life there are always good and bad situations. This story provides us with a lesson that good will always win no matter how many hardships a person can have in their life.

Another theme of this story is losing the childhood innocence. Although archetypes are impersonal patterns of influence that are both ancient and universal, they become personalized when they are a part of our own, unique life journey and when we can connect them to our life's through the lessons learned from these fairy tales. Peter never wanted to grow up, the effects of not growing up were evident through his loss of memory, the gap in knowledge, reckless behavior towards the lives of other people. No one in this world wants to grow up, everyone that perfect memorable childhood to always stay with them. However, the reality of this world is that everyone has to grow up one day and have to face the practical problems, situation alongside the joy of becoming something and engaging in new relations. Further, everybody will always long for those fun and casual days, but when a person does not grow up, they will never experience life in full. Through the themes present in this novel the reader travel to a different and better place. A place full of imagination, childhood memories, and a place full of life long lessons.

Further, the theme of motherhood is shown in this novel. We see the transition of Wendy from an innocent girl to a mother quick in the story. We can connect Wendy's character to our life's because a girl grows up fast into a woman and then a mother. The way the authors portrays Wendy's character as a mother to the lost brothers and the way she handled and raised them shows the importance of a mother. Thus this takes the reader to a better world where a mother is imperative. The lost boys did not know anything, they just followed Peter and did as what he told them because of the lack of a mother figure in their lives they did not know what to do. A mother figure is usually the one who teaches a person, guides them, and teaches them the difference between right or wrong. Wendy came and changed their whole lifestyle which contributed to the change in their manners, behavior, and attitude. The author implements the theme of unconditional love and motherhood through Wendy. Throughout the novel, Wendy preaches about the importance of a mother's love, convincing the boys and herself that Mrs. Darling will leave the nursery window open, waiting for them forever. Peter never understood this kind of devotion and made the mistake of convincing the others that it is not true. Wendy immediately decides to return home, and all the boys beg to come with her. Wendy states this right as they reach their home "See, dear brothers," says Wendy, pointing upwards, '"there is the window still standing open. Ah, now we are rewarded for our sublime faith in a mother's love". (Barrie). This, provide evidence about a mother's role further as she has expected Mrs. Darling have left open the window for her belief that her children will return. Thus, making the reader love another even more.

Through the analysis of the story 'Peter Pan,' it is evident that author uses archetypal theory to help the reader understand the role of characters, plot, and theme in a significant matter. The archetypal theory takes the reader into a better and different world. The reader lives through their childhood memories and rejoices them. The archetypes provide us with a sense of the role different character plays their connection to our life's. The archetypes help us connect characters, situations to our life's by providing us with life-long lessons.

Any feedback on the overall clarity, writing style,grammar, changes to be made is appreciated.

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