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"theory of natural selection" and "theory of special creation" RESEARCH ANALYSIS

temptprovidence 8 / 163 35  
Jul 8, 2013   #1
The modern theory in which most of the people believe is the modern concept of "Neo-Darwinism". The world has moved into the rather refined concepts of evolution and the progress of life on all spheres of land and environment. Most of the people who claim to know, know not more than that it was Darwin who referred the early stages of the development of man as the monkey kind. One must not blame Darwin for even if he is proved wrong in the later years, but best credit goes to him to open up a world of thought and consideration where many thoughtful ones were compelled to think about the world in a rather different way. He is the father of this thought provoking evolutionary theory.

People mostly fail to get convinced on his point because in fact no traces of fossils exist which can prove the evolutionary stages between man and monkey but yet there is another thing to think about. It is his theory of natural selection that is the basis of the today's knowledge about the most believed conception of "survival of the fittest".Here his theory with all kinds of comparative evidences, paleontology and molecular biology is combined with Mendel's proposals proving as the theory called "Neo-Darwinism". Of course Mendel was the one who formulated laws in biology which is not common, for, surprisingly, there are only two laws in biology due to the complex nature of life. and Darwin is still unable to make the theory as effective and attractive to boost it up as a law.

Of course this means there are a number of points besides natural selection that his theory contains and are a cause of utter disapproval. These points failed due to the lack of supportive evidences. Here the "theory of special creation" prominently stands out among all. We all believe in ADAM as the first man who descended down from heavens. Was he a case of special creation? yes that can be approved and Darwin is again proved wrong. So here it must be concluded that Darwin was true in the sense of similar evolving species and that which again cannot be applicable to all. This is the deviating nature of life where laws by Mendel and Hardy-Weinberg seem to be a great success.

dumi 1 / 6911 1592  
Jul 8, 2013   #2
The modern theory in which most of the people believe is the modern concept of "Neo-Darwinism".

....in which most of the people believe what? .... or it this what you mean?
The modern theory of evolution that most of the people now believe is the modern concept of "Neo-Darwinism".

Most of the people who claim to know, know not more than that it was Darwin who referred the early stages of the development of man as the monkey kind

... the latter part sounds confusing. Better re-phrase!

One must not blame Darwin for evenalthoughif he ismay be proved wrong in the later years

thoughtful ones

... do you mean , "thoughtful people"?
OP temptprovidence 8 / 163 35  
Jul 10, 2013   #3
oh yes! those were the real mistakes you pointed out. in fact i never wrote it somewhere but direct started typing what bulged in my mind. i didn't review that. thanks for your real great help:)

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