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Need help on security issues on cloud computing research topic

mano 1 / 1  
Jan 28, 2010   #1
i am mano and i am planning to do my Phd work in the month of june..i am at present interested on cloud computing and i am basically interested on network security..so can anyone help me on the security issues with cloud computing..


EF_Kevin 8 / 13093  
Jan 29, 2010   #2
Wow, I'm araid tis subject is not something I can help with, but I bet others in this forum can help. You also might fiind ideas by doing a word search within EssayForum.

However, I can tell you that the best way to start is to find articles about this subject that have been written by others in this field, and they will include reviews of recent work and literature pertaining to it. They will outline the progress that has been made and suggest areas in which more work needs to be done. This is the way to determine what kind of research project you should do: Look at a literature review from a recent article about this topic.
OP mano 1 / 1  
Jan 31, 2010   #3
thanks kevin for giving a ray of hope on where to find the articles..
jsm2011 - / 2  
Feb 6, 2011   #4
Cloud computing using data mining, how to write my dissertation?


pls help me in writing the dissertation for cloud computing using data mining...

EF_Kevin 8 / 13093  
Feb 9, 2011   #5
Hi Saju,

This is a subject I have never thought about in my whole life. Can you tell me a little about it? I know a lot about research design, so maybe I can help you.

Please tell me the name of one or two articles that discuss this topic.

:-) Welcome to essay forum! I hope you meet a lot of great people!
nathilen - / 1  
Feb 18, 2011   #6
Suggestions about research on educational data mining and cloud computing


I'm currently doing my masters. I'd like to research in the area of educational data mining and cloud computing.
However, I'm failing to get a proper problem statement.

Your suggestions will be appreciated

EF_Kevin 8 / 13093  
Feb 21, 2011   #7
Hello Friend, I cannot help with your specific topic, because it is unfamiliar to me, but I do know the rule for coming up with a problem statement: You need to read 10 recent articles about these topics and pay careful attention to their literature reviews. You really need to find the MOST recent articles, because each of them will have a lit review that BRINGS YOU UP TO DATE with what is going on in the field.

Your job is to see what "state" this field is in. Do you know what I mean? You need to see what all previous research had amounted to. If you look at what articles have been written in professional journals in recent years, about these topics, you will see examples of good problem statements/topics.

So... your only method for figuring this out is to read the abstracts and lit reviews of many recent articles. Search your school database for the words educational data mining and cloud computing AND the words literature review.

:-) Good luck, I wish you a lot of success!
jsm2011 - / 2  
Feb 26, 2011   #8
hi Mr. Kelvin,

There are lot of information present in the internet, i didnt find any revelant topic regarding it...

i am still searching the details...

if u find any pls let me know...

EF_Susan - / 2316  
Mar 17, 2011   #9
Truly, if you find even one research article about an aspect of this that interests you, it will have a reference list with many other good titles.

Can you find one article with a literature review? The literature review shows you all the work that has been done recently.

The whole point of this is to show that you are reading about the work that is being done in this field that interests you. So... you should be able to find one article that interests you and also explains the other recent articles that have been written about the topic.

priyaprasanth - / 1  
Mar 21, 2011   #10
i need some research topics in educational data mining
b venkateswarlu - / 1  
Jun 1, 2011   #11
What kind of research problem on data mining?

i am venkateswarlu,doing research in andhra university,india.i am very much struggling to find the problem in data mining .so please tell me the research problem.
pianosaremusic 1 / 2  
Jun 2, 2011   #12
please elaborate on what you on the specifics of the data mining- what type (there's too many research problems you could get for just research on that data mining)
EF_Kevin 8 / 13093  
Jun 3, 2011   #13
Well... you have to be able to read the articles that have been written about it. Use "data mining" as your search term, and search your school library database.

Do you have access to a school library database?

When you find some good articles, you'll have to work to understand the MAIN IDEAS.

I hope you make another post and write some of your ideas about data mining. Tell me what article you are reading.

tanvirul - / 3  
Jul 6, 2011   #14
Research Point on Cloud Computing

Hello, i am fourth year student of undergraduate program. Now i have an interest on Cloud Computing security issue. But i am very new to cloud computing.SO, please anybody suggest me,how can i start my research on security issue of cloud computing!!!

Sorry for my bad English.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13093  
Jul 8, 2011   #15
Well... the most important thing is that you have your search term. Search your school library database for "cloud computing."

You are going to have to read as many articles as you can find. Remember that every article has one main idea. Skim to that idea, and write a sentence about it. Make it your own knowledge. Cite the source.

Keep this process very simple. You are not the only person confused about cloud computing. Everyone in your field wants to understand it, and they have to find scholarly journal articles about it.

Do you have a subscription to a professional journal that deals with this subject?

Jump into your study, and if your limited English makes it hard to understand a sentence in an article, ask us about the sentence here at EssayForum.

I'm glad you joined our community!
tanvirul - / 3  
Jul 9, 2011   #16
Thank you very much for your reply. Yes i have a subscription to a professional journal that deals with cloud computing.
hemu - / 2  
Jul 18, 2011   #17
Cloud computing security issues (need a problem/topic for my PhD)

hello friends i am doing my ph D in cloud computing.Please help me to find the problem in security issues in cloud computing.
hvthoteen 16 / 44  
Jul 18, 2011   #18
cloud computing is not very popular
i think you should search on google rather than ask for help here
EF_Kevin 8 / 13093  
Jul 20, 2011   #19
Search your article database for these terms: security, "cloud computing"

This is the way to find the articles you need. When you find some articles that INTEREST YOU, write 1 paragraph about the main idea of each article.

If you do that, you will have begun your process in an effective way.

hemu - / 2  
Jul 25, 2011   #20
thanks for your kind information.I will try.
sssaaa - / 1  
Sep 15, 2011   #21
(Data mining Pollution) to do research in computer science

i would like to do research in computer science,i am in a confusion status to select the subject.but i saw some interseting comments in ur forum regarding Data mining.it was about Data mining Pollution.i liked the topic,please help me to find out informtion and link about this topic.
pepsi 1 / 1  
Sep 24, 2011   #22
what do u mean by saying "Data mining pollution"? just be more specific
EF_Kevin 8 / 13093  
Oct 4, 2011   #23
I think you should google this:
Data Mining applied to Pollution

That will get you started. However, the important thing for grad students to do is use ONLY professional journal articles and books written by authorities in the field. Start by reading the abstract of an article. How do you find the best article? Search a database of professional articles, like EBSCO or JSTR.

Search for "data mining" with the word pollution. The articles you find will be what you need. I hope you can find one from 2010 or 2011 with a literature review. If you look at a recent literature review you can see a LOT of the recent work that has been done.

When you see what other people have written recently about data mining applied to pollution, you will not feel lost anymore. It is just like joining a conversation among friends.

murtip85 - / 1  
Aug 3, 2012   #24
What kind of topic to be taken for dissertation in data mining/database?

can anyone suggest me recent research topic related to data mining as a part of my dissertation...
FredParisFrance 61 / 7  
Aug 6, 2012   #25
Do you mean computer data mining? Youl could consider data mining by governments on citizens, for example.

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