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An essay based on your community involvement, contribution to school life and plans for the future

balakis 1 / -  
Jan 23, 2017   #1
A 750 word essay based on your community involvement, contribution to school life and plans for the future.

Help needed for understanding essay prompt

Hello guys, I getting a bit of confusion here.
Does plans for the future means what I want to study and why?
Because nearly 5/8 of my essay, I explained that I want to become a Chemical Engineer and why?
I also talked about my involvement as a school prefect and a volunteer.

Am I out of subject?
chizy7 6 / 52 14  
Jan 23, 2017   #2
Plans for the future according to the essay prompt is like asking you this question: where do you see yourself in 5/10 years or what do you want to do with your life? I suggest your plans for your future should extend beyond what you want to do in college. So you can write about what you want to do after college. That's how I see the prompt.

Your plans for the future can include what you want to study but it should be more of ' you want to study A and after studying A, you probably might want to get a PhD,start a company or ....'

Don't just write that you were a school prefect and also volunteered. What did you contribute to your school as a prefect and also a volunteer. It will pack more a punch if you write about why you volunteered before writing about the impact you made through volunteering.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
Jan 23, 2017   #3
Bala, this essay is actually looking for an explanation of the kind of person that you are when you are not in school. When you are not a student, what kind of person do you tend to be? You can discuss this essay by presenting the kinds of after school activities that you have, specifically, any community involvement through volunteer activities such as visiting an elderly care home, tutoring other students in subjects where you excel, or even, just helping your neighbors who need some extra help, regardless of their age. From there, you should discuss your extra curricular activities at school. Some notable activities to mention will be the kind that have a direct effect on the lives of the student. These activities could include mentoring other students whose interests are the same as yours, being part of a school club or school government with a discussion of your participation in the said organizations in relation to the student community, to name a few examples. As for the plans for your future, these should align with the prompt discussion relating to helping others. However, you should explain how you will be able to help others through the major that you have chosen. What life changing contributions can you make in the future in relation to your major's effect on the community? Consider how that can happen and discuss.

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