My assignment is to write a 1 pg essay on a theme presented in Beowulf. I have chosen Religion as my theme, but havent gotten any further. I havent written an essay in 7 years, and havent thought about themes for at least that long. I could choose another theme thats easy, but really want to use Religion. I cant figure out how to start the essay and wondered if anyone had some guidelines on writing an essay about themes. I cant seem to get anything worded right.
British Lit theme essay on Beowulf
Your mistake is to try to just start writing and to start at the beginning. How could you possibly know what to say to introduce the essay if you don't yet know what you will be saying in the essay?
First: Freewrite or brainstorm until you have enough ideas for an essay. Next, organize those ideas into an outline. Next, write a thesis statement. Next, write the body paragraphs. Then, go back and write the introduction and conclusion.
First: Freewrite or brainstorm until you have enough ideas for an essay. Next, organize those ideas into an outline. Next, write a thesis statement. Next, write the body paragraphs. Then, go back and write the introduction and conclusion.
I have brainstormed and I have all of my ideas.they are all written out and ready to be put into an essay. Maybe wasnt clear on my problem. i am having trouble wording my ideas and putting them in an essay about a theme in Beowulf. it has been sometime since i have been in school.
but thanks for the input
but thanks for the input
Well, why not write up your ideas as best you can and post your draft here? It is difficult to give you specific feedback when we don't know what you want to say beyond "religion is a theme in Beowulf," which is really too vague to comment on.
Analyse the character of Angelina Jolie (as Grendel's mother) in the movie Beowulf.
Please help me if I don't do this essay I can't do the final exam.
Please help me if I don't do this essay I can't do the final exam.
You need to post your draft analysis to this forum for us to help you with improving it. We do not undertake writing essays for others, but certainly help others to improve their writing by providing comments, suggestions and even by editing their essays. So, you've got to write the essay and post it here .