I can see that you were quite confused about what to write in networking skill part. I think that it is not that difficult. Networking skill simply means that your experience in building a network with your friends and colleagues, it can be either in the former university or the workplace. Perhaps you can start explaining the very first experience in creating a network or joining an organization in campus or high school. Then, you can just elaborate it further in details, especially the most recent experience.
Before doing all of that, create a proper outline and brainstorm your ideas to make it as perfect as possible. The deadline is still 3rd of November, no need to rush. Remember, an outstanding piece of writing comes through countless revisions. However, I would like to help you in outlining a networking skill essay in the descriptions below.
Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your networking skills, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future.
1st paragraph: - Tell the reader how can you meet the requirement by showing some examples related to your past networking skill. It can be from your high school or undergraduate networking experience i.e. organizations or communities.
2nd paragraph: - Another additional reason how can you meet the requirement by showing the MOST RECENT examples of your networking skill, preferrably at workplace or current institution that you've worked with.
3rd paragraph: - Explain your hope to use the networking skill in the future by linking them to Chevening main purpose. Remember "Chevening is looking for individuals with STRONG NETWORKING SKILL".