Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 Rosem, in every life, there is a time when a person is faced with certain challenges that changes who he is as a person. This change comes for the learning experience that you encountered as you tried to deal with the situation. This is the kind of experience that the essay wants you to discuss. Some topics for discussion here include, but are not limited to, academic failure, sports difficulties, facing work challenges, or even, simply trying to get people of a different belief system to either agree with you or at least treat your opinion with respect. From all of these events, there is always a life lesson to be taken from it once you have resolved the challenge. It is the lesson that you learned that you should highlight in the essay.
So there are 3 things the essay has to represent. First, is the situation itself, second is how you overcame the difficulty, and finally, what you learned about yourself and how to handle such situations because of this experience. Do those 3 things in your essay and you will have accurately responded to the prompt.