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Opinion wanted about my literature thesis statement

habs2611 1 / -  
Oct 29, 2015   #1
I am writing a paper in literature about Gabriel Garcia Marquez's style of writing (magical realism) and I would like to know if I am on the right track with my thesis statement. Here it is:

"Through magical realism, Garcia Marquez blends reality with fantasy to mirror the political instability of Columbia while condemning social injustice in Latin America. "

Thank you for your help

m4louso 4 / 14 6  
Oct 29, 2015   #2
Travis, I believe you're on the right track. I don't know much about Garcia Marquez work (I've read one or two of his books only), but magical realism is exactly about mixing fantasy and reality to expose oppressive situations.

One little thing that I'm sure was a typo: political instability of Colombia, not Columbia.
justivy03 - / 2357 607  
Nov 5, 2015   #3
Travis, I believe you're on the right track.
I'm not so familiar with literature writing but knowing the background of what your aiming to write, you made the right statement.

I hope to see the entire thesis or at least the greater part of the essay in order to assist you further.
I don't have a doubt that you will be able to come up with a good thesis but of course fresh eyes for reference will not hurt.

Guidelines to follow can always be researched and here on EF we strive to provide constructive criticism to students and masters alike,
this are just a few reasons for you to rely on the views that EF contributors have.

I'm looking forward to your thesis here on EF.

By the way, what is it in literature that draw students in, I for one, is interested in this study, however I think it's a very deep study that for me is a little bit challenging, that explains why I didn't pursue this major.

Keep writing and good luck!
rosemaryyy 2 / 4 1  
Nov 8, 2015   #4
it's a well-thought-out thesis statement, i think you're on the right way :)
vangiespen - / 4117 1449  
Nov 8, 2015   #5
HI Travis, the thesis statement that you developed has a nice read and feel to it. However, since this is not the full thesis statement, I am not sure if it will be totally applicable to the book that you have chosen to discuss. Remember that this particular author's work is one of the most difficult and complicated to assess in terms of literature review. That is why I believe that your thesis statement will benefit from further development in terms of specifically choosing which aspects of the book you want to review.

Before yo launch into the main statement above, try to define the simple meaning of "magical realism" in the thesis statement. As not everyone may be as familiar with Marquez's work, but have already read works by other authors along the same genre, without knowing what the genre is called, the definition can help the reader understand what you mean when using this ter. I would like you to do that just in case your paper is put up for review within your classroom setting by your professor. Which is something that is done in leterature classes to help you assess and identify your weak points as a literary reviewer.

Please do not try to assess the book in generalized terms. Choose the specific portions, messages, acts, of historical facts that can help you best assess the validity of the claims Marquez makes in the book. Regardless of how well written a general review is, the best paper / review is always the one that tries to review 3 interconnected parts of the book. Concentrate on the parts that best depict the "magical realism" of the author's work. That way the essay will be easier for you to write as well. All of those parts should be first identified within the thesis statement and be discussed within the essay as sections and sub-sections.

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