HI guys, my essay topic is about Is UN Peacekeeping works? and my agreement is No. I use an example where its works (Cambodia), and where it doesn't work (Congo). However, i dont have much resources to write about it. Can someone please provide any idea or thought to this?
Another country you should look at in terms of failure is Somalia...Sudan can also give you a back ground to use. My rough reference point for you to support your '' no'' argument is the INTERNATIONAL LAW that seems to protect the same people, systems, groups who caused the chaos that they(UN) are now trying to put right.
You have to know the right key words to use when you search the school's database. Try searching for this: "united nations" peace security timeline
Also try it with "history" instead of "timeline." Also try it with the names of those countries: Cambodia or Congo
Don't collect lots of articles all at once. Look at several, but find one that you are interested in and understand well. Write about that article as your way of getting started.