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Reality shows:How real the reality shows are??-Thesis statement

umiunme 1 / 3  
Oct 6, 2009   #1

Guys, I really need a thesis statement and my specific arguement
is that the show which is shown to us all manipulated and edited.
Please please guys help me out.

EF_Stephen - / 264  
Oct 6, 2009   #2
I always begin generally and then get specific. For example, here I would begin by explaining what reality is, what it's supposed to be in the context of TV, and what it really is in that same context. This allows you some freedom to maneuver in your arguments, and to move along a continuum of ideas and reality show types.
OP umiunme 1 / 3  
Oct 7, 2009   #3
Yeah, I agree with you stephen. In my research paper I should refer to atleast two books regarding my essay.
Can you suggest me any??
EF_Stephen - / 264  
Oct 7, 2009   #4
Unfortunately no. I am not a fan of reality TV at all. But I would suggest that you do an online search for references to it, especially the psychology of reality and then the commercialization of it. \That might be a good place to begin.
OP umiunme 1 / 3  
Oct 8, 2009   #5
I've written thesis...please comment on it and correct my grammar mistakes as well....

These days every TV channel has reality shows, everyone seems to be really crazy about them and even the sponsors are ready to pour in money. Contestants of the show are made to perform dangerous stunts and do all sorts of absurd things in order to commercialize the show. Celebrities are frequently invited on the show to increase the TRP ratings of the show.

But the bitter truth is that there is very little reality in the reality shows. In fact, 75% of the show is manipulated and edited. The show has a framed script already,Directors,Producers and Technicians guiding the contestant in a planned manner. Judges are hired,they often pretend to get emotional and angry and leave the show abruptly but they appear in the next episode. All the decisions and results are biased and pre-determined. Shockingly,even tthe audiences of the shows are fake.

In this paper, I will explore the extent of reality in reality shows and examine what they say about us a society.

thats it...plz comment...
what my sir said is to focus on one particular reality show...and do research on it....
what should i do??
if you can come up with better thesis and argument...you are welcome...plzz help me out...friends..
EF_Stephen - / 264  
Oct 8, 2009   #6
But the bitter truth is that there is very little reality in the reality shows. In fact, 75% of the show is manipulated and edited.

You will need to document this, as in "According to.." whatever poll or research it was.

I think that one show or one type of show is appropriate, certainly. Easier to manage, too.

Don't worry about grammar yet. That can be fixed later. Right now, just get the main ideas and facts straight.

In this paper, I will explore the extent of reality in reality shows and examine what they say about us a society.

This is pretty broad. You might need to narrow it, like some reality shows . That way they don't get all dumped in together and you will be able to support your arguments better.
EF_Sean 6 / 3481  
Oct 10, 2009   #7
You might also want to explore the notion that the concept of "reality television" is essentially an oxymoron. People having to live together isolated on an island off of which one gets voted each week is a contrived, unrealistic situation. The same could be said, with a bit of variation, about most if not all other reality television shows. And even if someone put together a reality television show without some horribly contrived scenario or contest at its root, do you really think anyone acts the way they do in real life when they know they are on film? A documentary would be much closer to what reality television would seem to mean, based on the words that compose the term, than the shows to which the name actually applies. What then does it mean to talk about "reality television" in the first place?
black berrumpur - / 1  
Jul 29, 2011   #8
Reality shows - how to start this essay?

pls help fellows am having an essay about reality shows help pls
Husseinova 7 / 13  
Jul 29, 2011   #9
what do you need actually? strong points or what?
EF_Kevin 8 / 13288 129  
Jul 31, 2011   #10
Yes, start by Googling the term "reality shows" and "reality television" so that you can get some ideas.

Remember, start every paragraph with a clear topic sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph.

You might have 3 ideas to express about reality shows. If so, write 3 body paragraphs. Then, go back and write an introduction paragraph at the beginning.

vanessa000abc 1 / 2  
Aug 1, 2011   #11
I just wrote an essay about reality show. Make sure you could find some good and bad reality show to support your ideas. Good luck.

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