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TV Programmes Watched in Australia - women prefer to watch reality shows more than game shows

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May 19, 2015   #1
The chart below show the number and genres of TV programmes watched by men and women and four different age groups in Australia

The bar chart gives information about the percentage of people who watch reality and game shows in television. These people are categorized based on their genders and age. The most significant fact to emerge are females prefer to watch reality shows than game shows, and vice versa for males. On the other hand, people in the group age of 45 and above has the biggest proportion in both shows.

Moving to a more detailed analysis, there is approximately two folds of females who are keen on watching reality shows from those of males. In contrary, males who choose to game shows over reality shows are slightly having a larger proportion than females, with only below one twenty of gap.

While in the categorization of age, both reality and games shows mostly preferred by people whose aged 45 and beyond at approximately 70% of proportion in all shows. Reality shows witnessed people aged 35-44 as their second largest proportion at around two third. As for game shows, its following largest audience is the age group of 16-24 at just over half the proportion.

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