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How do I contact with any member in this forum?

ken99m 5 / 9  
Jul 18, 2012   #1
plz guide me, how can i contact with a member in this forum? I need to contact with some of the users in this forum. Thanks in advance.
ah_zafari [Contributor] 40 / 672 148  
Jul 18, 2012   #2
If you were a contributor or a moderator, you could be in contact with other contributors and moderators via mail. You can ask members of this forum to give you their Email addresses, if they accept your request.
chucnt 6 / 18  
Jul 18, 2012   #3
Let me be your friend ! my email :chucnt1987@gmail.com.
amenanoori 2 / 6  
Jul 18, 2012   #4
Yeah my essay hasnot evenbeen revised..
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 222 15  
Jul 18, 2012   #5
plz guide me, how can i contact with a member in this forum? I need to contact with some of the users in this forum. Thanks in advance.

Due to spam we do not allow members to be contacted. But Contributors may contact each other at any time ;).
Wendeli - / 1  
Dec 1, 2012   #6
Could someone please explain the difference between a member and a contributor to me? They seem to be synonymous in my mind, but I'm new here.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Dec 1, 2012   #7
Well... they are not the same.... Contributors are hierarchically lower :P
You too can become a contributor if you provide meaningful comments to others threads.... You have to at least have 20 comments as per the requirement. Again, moderators would decide whether you would be granted contributor status or not :P

See.... mods are very powerful, not like the contributors :D

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