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I want to apply for masters program in Agricultural Economics

Janet7 2 / 3 1  
Sep 26, 2016   #1
Here is my statement of purpose as I am applying for a masters program in Agricultural Economics and have decided to specialise in Food and Resource Economics. Please this be proofread and Appraise for me.

Nigeria is a country which is dependent on Crude Oil reward. It is recognised for having high Agricultural Resources, but Crude Oil has superseded the importance of Agriculture causing a neglect in Agriculture. It has come to my notice that Agriculture is undermined and overlooked. Being raised in such a country, have come to understand the impact of investing in Agriculture and its effects in the economy, which is to promote economic developments in the country.

My main Purpose of choosing to study Agricultural Economics in my Undergraduate is to be able to apply economics principles to various issues arising in Agriculture and also to help Agriculturist in the efficient use of Resources. I decided to pursue a career in this course because I see it as a program that people don't know its worth as the population of students applying for such course were few. Students overlook Agriculture and they believe that it was not a type of course that needs to be studied in a tertiary Institution. The need for Agricultural Experts cannot be overemphasised as there are challenges been faced in Agriculture which includes, Climatic Changes (Global warming), Low productivity, Inadequate fund, Illiteracy, Use of manual tools to mention a few. I saw this as a good opportunity for me to study the course coupled with the good grades I had and also with the help of focused teacher in High School. With the basic knowledge of Economics from High School, It enlightened me in some ways. I thought deeply that since Economics focuses on the entire economy and also the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services was there a way it could be of help in Agriculture. This was what sparked my interest in Agricultural Economics.

My first year in the Tertiary Institution, studying Agricultural Economics wasn't easy because walking down as an Agricultural Economics student, I was looked down on as a non intelligent student as Agricultural students were regarded as students without good intellect. This made me feel sad, but I continued to press on without minding. At the end of my first year, seeing my result I was encouraged and I felt I could continue with my course of study regardless of the attitude of people towards Agriculture. Been taught by good lecturers and advancing into the course I was introduced to some aspects which includes, Agricultural Production Economics, Farm Management, Agricultural Finance, Agricultural Marketing, Macro Economics, Micro Economics. I decided to do my degree project on Price Fluctuation in the Marketing of Tomato which was to determine the effects that price Fluctuation had on Tomato marketing.

After completing my Undergraduate degree, I was opportune to do my one year service in a Tertiary Institution, where I was engaged in some activities which involved me been a member of Children and Youth in Agriculture Program (CYIAP). This program focused on building capacity in Children and youths for a conducive and a good future investment in Agricultural occupations ensuring a good sustainability in farming and a reputable profession. I attended meetings and Conference which sharpened my thinking to pursue further in the career I have chosen. I was also a member of Agro-Allied Community Development Service. In the group, we engaged in Agricultural related programs like Agricultural Lectures, Trainings, Farming. Been a member of this group we created young farmers club in schools where we discuss Agricultural related issues and we also did some practical on farming. Youths were encouraged to venture into Agriculture as it will help to promote economic developments in the country.

Have decided to specialise in Food and Resource Economics after taking some lectures on Resource economics in my final year, going in depth into the course, I developed interest in the field as it laid more emphasis on how quantitative techniques are combined with economics principles to aid decision making and also focused on supply and demand of resources and efficient use in the economy. I see this degree intriguing, and I intend to further my education to be able achieve my purpose in the University of .......... It is not only one of the most highly reputable International Institution in ..........., It is also recognised for its outstanding programs. I also see this as an opportunity to explore because of the quality of education it offers.
Ucha MSN 17 / 26 4  
Sep 27, 2016   #2
Hi Janet.. I have read your study objective. I can say you're high-motivated student. Hopefully all your aims can be true.
Now, I want to give some correction and suggestion in your writing.

My main Purpose of choosing to study ...

is to be able to apply economics principles to various issues arising in Agriculture and also to help Agriculturist in the efficient use of Resources. I decided to pursue a career in this course because I see it as a program that people don't know its worth as the population ...


Students overlook Agriculture and they believe that ...

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