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There are many reasons in my life on behalf of which I can say that childhood is the best time.

amehendiratta 1 / -  
Oct 21, 2015   #1
Childhood is the happiest time in person's life

I do agree with the statement Childhood is the happiest time of a person's life.There are many reason in my life and on behalf of them I can say that childhood is the best time.

First reason, which support my statement is when we were in our childhood we were not having any responsiblities and problems in our life.
For eg. if we we used to go to school and due to some reason school bus has not come and instead of thinking this as a problem

we used to enjoy by playing games also it was our parents responsibility to drop us to school. And also we used to spend more time on toys and listening

stories from our grandparents and they always treat us like a princess.

Second reason, that support my statement when we were child we used to learn new things .For eg. riding the bycyle ,new ryhmes,poems,
behaviour and so many things. childhood is the time when we can learn many things without any fear because when we are child even if we do the mistake

no one will scold us and everyone will try to correct our mistake.

Moreover when we were kids we were having lot of good school friends and and we use to play together in mud and also sometime we used to fight

with each other for a small toy. These are the thing which are unforgettable and when we grow we always think about our childhood and that

brings a smile on our face.

Hence childhood is the best and happiest time in a person's life and the moment which we have spent in our childhood are ireplaceable.

vangiespen - / 4088  
Oct 21, 2015   #2
Anu, I think that you approached the essay from the wrong angle. Instead of constantly harping on a single aspect of childhood, that of not having to be responsible for our actions, you could have widened the scope of your defense for your stance by offering up other instances of enjoyable childhood memories.

One of the aspects that you could have discussed could have been about the relationship that a child has with his or her parents. You could have spoken about the unconditional love that a child receives which helps him gain confidence in life and creates a bond of trust between one another. You could have discussed something to that effect in the portion where you mention a child being left behind by the school bus.

A word of caution, never use the word "eg" in an essay. Although the word is another term for "for example", it is an abbreviation that does not have any place in an academic piece of writing. Always use specific terms such as "For instance", "For example", "Imagine if..." and a host of other variations on the term.

Your conclusion is not acceptable in its current form. Always remember that the conclusion should represent the whole discussion in the essay. It should also represent the essay in at least 3 sentences otherwise it just comes across as an incomplete paragraph.
saugat91 1 / 2  
Oct 21, 2015   #3
Dear amehendiratta,
Your essay conveys a good idea but in my view, you cannot articulately express them. Also, you don't seem to have a good transition between your paragraphs, and your sentence structures are mostly weak and grammatically incorrect. For instance, look your second paragraph.

"Second reason, that support my statement when we were child we used to learn new things .For eg. riding the bycyle ,new ryhmes,poems,

behaviour and so many things. childhood is the time when we can learn many things without any fear because when we are child even if we do the mistake no one will scold us and everyone will try to correct our mistake."

You have started really weakly and have created numerous grammatical errors as the paragraph goes on. You could have written this paragraph like:
The second reason that supports my statement is that children learn many new skills and activities. In my view, activities like learning to ride a bike, learning new rhymes and poems make the childhood so full of happiness. As a child, one could learn without fear because when one does a mistake as a child, he will more likely be corrected and learn to not do the mistake than be scolded."

Similarly, improve and strengthen your sentences (your ideas are fine) and you will have a good essay.
justivy03 - / 2279  
Oct 23, 2015   #4
- There are many reasonevents in my life
- and on behalf of them I can saythat will attest

- First reason , which support my statement is when we were in our childhood we
- were not havingdon't have any
- responsibili ties and

- For eg. if we we used to go to school and
- due tofor some reason the school bus
- has not come,and instead of thinkingtreating the situation
- this as a problem we used to enjoy by playing games
- also it was also our parents responsibility
- And alsoW e used

Anu, life as a child is indeed very memorable, the best times of our lives, we are carefree, no worries at all, but now were grown up, fully aware of what's wrong and right, of course now we are educated and knows a lot more things than we can equip ourselves with. As you can see in your essay, there's quiet a lot of work to be done, I hope my remarks help and you follow through, your essay has facts and actions that are done in the past but this doesn't mean that you have to use all the verbs in past form, you are writing a memory of the past and actions are continuous so it should take the present form of the verb.

Home / Graduate / There are many reasons in my life on behalf of which I can say that childhood is the best time.
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