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SOP review for Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering

dkswamy 1 / -  
Jan 8, 2009   #1
Hello Everyone,

Firstly I would like to say congratulate the moderators and the contributors of this wonderful forums for helping so many graduate school aspirants get closer to their goals. Keep up the great work guys!!

I am putting together an essay for a Ph.D program in Biomedical Engineering, which i have posted following this. Please do let me know of any suggestions or changes to make my essay better. Thank you very much and I look forward to contribute my bit towards reading and critiquing essays as well.


Concrete foundations in the sciences propelled me towards a bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering at the prestigious [college Name]. The experience in [college Name] was unique, as it combined theory with practical experience at the engineering faculties and medical hospital and subsequently I chose to pursue an advanced degree in Biomedical Engineering. I commenced my master's at the [college name] in the fall of 2003 where I studied cellular viability and cytotoxicity on thin membrane films deposited on metal and semi conductor surfaces towards developing cell culture platforms. Subsequently, I took up a position in the department of immunology at the [institution] in [place] where I helped study systemic immune response to dietary antigens besides serving as a core technologist at the [organization]. I proceeded to study mechanisms of cellular oxidative stress from ionizing radiation in the department of cellular and molecular oncology at the [institution]. Part of our work was carried out at NASA space research labs at the [Institution Name] and the subsequent results were used to understand risks faced by astronauts when exposed to cosmic radiation. Such a diverse experience broadened my skill subset to encompass

- Programming in MATLAB and C++,
- Microfabrication Techniques,
- Molecular biology protocols like ELISA, PCR, electrophoreses and Immunohistochemistry to study cellular response.
- Phase-Contrast, Flouroscent, Confocal and Atomic Force Microscopy
thereby strengthening my analytical ability, laboratory skills and providing theoretical knowledge to excel in a rigorous doctoral program.

Purdue's excellence in the field of Bionanotechnology has drawn me towards its graduate program. My interests in the fields of Nanotechnology burgeoned from research with faculty at the [institution name], where I developed microfabricated platforms using lithographic techniques. I interacted with the [institution name] at [university name] where I studied novel polymer and peptide based systems that were developed for targeted drug delivery and biomolecular imaging. I want to expand my knowledge of manipulating biological systems and processes at nanoscale levels by amalgamating the skills, techniques and concepts of Engineering, Biology, Microscopy and Imaging. I am interested in the research pursued by Drs. XX and YY in developing novel biomaterials for biomedical applications. At Purdue, I hope to understand the properties of nanomaterials and nanotechnology better in order to develop efficient tools and techniques for targeted drug delivery, biosensing and molecular imaging.

I believe I have the qualities to be a good researcher and a teacher. I am an extremely creative person and incorporate diverse ways to look at a problem to obtain the best possible solution in terms of efficiency and impact. I approach teaching as a comprehensive form of discussion and will capitalize on my former teaching stints to create learning environments where both the student and the teacher are mutually benefited. I want to make use of Purdue's Biomedship initiative in partnership with the Krannert School of Management to develop business strategies and skills essential for identifying opportunities for innovation and successful biomedical product development.

Following my PhD, I hope to be part of a research university where I will be able to continue my research and share my enthusiasm for science and research with motivated students. Working independently to generate ideas and translate them into meaningful work is something I enjoy doing and I intend to make the most of my education and experience.

EF_Kevin 8 / 13288 129  
Jan 8, 2009   #2
This is an excellent essay, and all I can say is that the school will be lucky to have you.
You have a great background and have listed specific aspects of the school which attract you. Now, I always look for a central truth in each essay, to see what main idea or message it conveys. Here, I would say it is your intelligence that stands out as the ost memorable aspect of the essay, and that is good. This essay strongly conveys your seriousness and aptitude, and I saw no errors.

You can possibly improve it by throwing in one unexpected idea -- in a phrase or sentence.

Good luck in school!!


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