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Statement of Purpose guidance on Business Law Needed!

samifedayo 1 / -  
Oct 11, 2010   #1
Hello everyone,

I am looking for someone who will be willing to guide me on how to write a professional statement of purpose on Business Law.

Please contact me so that we may talk better.

klatz238 4 / 27  
Oct 11, 2010   #2
hello sam,
I think you should try to write your statement of purpose (SOP) first so that it can be reviewed here. SOP should include those factors that influenced your decision to pursue career in business law, your career goal and why you beleive that the course will help you achieve your career objectives. What relevant experience have you got that is directly related to the course you intend to study? What do you intend to do with such degree after completion?etc.

I do not know much but i am confident that no one can give good account of these issues for you exept you try it yourself. This is because your SOP is an account of your personal intents. Unless you sit and draft the first copy by yourself, you may not get a good essay that will help you achieve your goal. Please do not worry about how bad your draft might be. I trust that you are in the right place, just post it and see what will happen.

This is all i can say and i hope it helps.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13321 129  
Oct 14, 2010   #3
Hi Samson,

You can see a lot of examples online if you google around. Examples provide the best guidance. You can look for what many examples have in common, and it will enable you to deeply understand:

This is about your purpose, your plan.

Even if you are not sure how to write something like this correctly, you ARE able to dig deep and write about your plan for the next 5 years. Even if you are not sure about every detail, envision a possibility.

The most important thing is to give expression to your Way, your decision about which route to go. That's your "statement of purpose."

***I would also encourage you to demonstrate that you have already been reading articles about current events in business law.

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