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Unexpectedly great presentation - PTCAS: I AM APPLYING FOR A DOCTORATE IN Physical Therapy

covenant1992 4 / 7  
Jan 14, 2016   #1
Why do you want to attend a physical therapy program with a strong problem based curriculum design? Give examples from your life of how you have demonstrated the independent thinking, problem solving abilities, group interaction skills, and self discipline necessary to succeed in a problem based curriculum.


We had just returned from a mandatory industrial training/attachment we initially received an email instructing us of our supervisors for our projects and seminar presentations. We were also instructed to contact our new supervisors on our topics for the seminar and projects respectively. I was given a topic and had already started communication and preparations with my supervisor on how to go about it.

On arrival in school I was told that I and 5 other students attached to the professor have been given a new supervisor because the former supervisor travelled abroad, all this meant new topic and starting a whole process again. I was given a new supervisor this time and I started with a new topic again. Along the line a new professor was posted to my school and he needed some students to supervise so, I was the only that was picked from my group to be transferred to this new lecturer and all along my topics kept changing and this boiled it down to less than two week preparation from the 2 months stipulated time for preparation. I and 6 other of my colleagues who were already there were privileged to be fixed with a clinical professor this time around.

Due to my yearning for information, I visited my supervisor at every free period I had to get information on how to go about my seminar presentation because I had no time as I had been transferred to different supervisors and the seminar presentation was due in 2 weeks. I had to improve my visit to my lecturer because she could definitely not attend to several students at a time as we all had different topics. My new supervisor also did not admire the processes of my transfer as that meant she also had to start afresh with me after almost rounding up with other students seminars. I really felt left behind but I knew complaining would not be my response when I face all my lecturers to give a presentation.

So, I had to incorporate independent thinking, self discipline and problem solving techniques through constant research and interactions with other research groups from various schools. A week to the seminar presentation my new supervisor called me only to tell me that she did not like my topic as it had been done by a previous group and I might turn in something similar and she told me to pick a topic on my own when I mentioned my topic she was astonished at the difficult topic I had picked and how I was going to achieve that in a week but I had no choice because I had no time to start looking for a new topic. While I was still typing my seminar my colleagues were already rehearsing theirs and putting finishing touches I had to live my room and went to a corner so I could concentrate.

On the day of the seminar after other supervisors saw their students give average performance one of the coordinators stood up and expressed her disappointment at the level of material we had with all the time we were given to prepare. As my colleagues kept presenting one after another, my turn soon came and I could see my new supervisor expected nothing much from me as she could testify she didn't give me her best because I came at the wrong time also, her other students had not given good presentations so what more could I who had less than two weeks preparation do. After my presentation I was given a standing ovation as my professors could testify that I was very unfortunate to have been picked three times to be moved to a new supervisor and with little time to prepare and little supervision I gave the best presentation.

vangiespen - / 4090  
Jan 14, 2016   #2
Before you launch into a discussion of your problem based experience, you need to write up a proper introduction to the topic first. The current essay is quite abrupt in introduction and has a tendency to overwhelm the reader with the amount of discussion that you have involved. Had this essay been properly spaced for paragraphs, you will have noticed how long it runs and that you need to edit the narrative for content.

For the introduction, ease the reader into the essay. Make sure that you restate the thesis prompt at the start as a part of your introduction to the story. Say something along the lines of :

"I have always had an inclination for the problem based curriculum that medical courses provide. Be it as a Biochemist in a laboratory setting or as a physical therapist, I have always thrived on the adrenaline rush that these problem based situations provide. My first realization that I was more than capable of performing far beyond the ability of my peers in a problem based environment was when I participated in the..."

Please don't forget to fill in the blanks after the "participated in" ellipses because in your current essay, you do not set up the scene for where the story you are relating is taking place. The discussion is too technical and responds to the prompt. However, if the reviewer does not know when, where, and why this situation was taking place, the narration will not properly reflect the prompt requirements.

Basically, you just have to adjust the introduction and the rest of the essay will fall into place, needing only some editing pertaining to your possible word count limitations.

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