What is the difference between a hypothesis & aim?
Hope i'm in the right place here!!
I'm a mature student just returned to studying and i have to write an assignment - the first two things i have to do is a 'statement of hypothesis' and then the 'aim of assignment'
I'm having difficulty trying to figure out what the difference is - when i start writing they both seem to say the same thing
Any help would be greatly appreciated
The hypothesis is the statement you are trying to prove or disprove in your assignment.
The aim of the assignment would usually be to prove or disprove your hypothesis, so having that as a separate section does seem a bit confusing. First, I'd check to see if the assignment has a goal beyond testing the hypothesis. For instance, is the reason you have been given the assignment to make you review the literature on a certain topic? If the assignment has a specific purpose independent of the hypothesis you chose, then you should probably write about that. Otherwise, I'd say that this section is where you would give your reasons for wanting to test the hypothesis. So, if your hypothesis is "green grass will turn blue when exposed to certain types of sulfates," why do you care? Why should anybody else? How is this going to advance your field of study in a meaningful way?
Thank you very much - all is much more clearer. Now to get started lol!
What is Cognitive Hypothesis and how it develops?; Ideas
What is Cognitive Hypothesis and how it develops? I am glad if anyone could help me? I read a few articles , I AM CONFUSED. ...Just a little introduction...
Please write down what is most compelling out of the research you have done? then we can build on that!! What are the articles you have read? Without your indication, the topic is too general to be honest...
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