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help and tips in improving writing techniques

hafsa abid 4 / 40  
Apr 6, 2011   #1
i want help from everyone here in how can i improve writing...please.
ratree 3 / 11  
Apr 6, 2011   #2
Hello hafsa,
for improving writing there is no alternative of PRACTICE.Keep precticing.
try to read other writings and obviously that will help you to learn about sentece structure
Hope that will work

best of luck
SpringZhang - / 1  
Apr 6, 2011   #3
If you want to do something very well, there's indeed no other way but continuous practice.

As an English language and literature student, we have to read a lot of literary works and also write many essays. This is a long process if you want to progress.

I walk slowly, but never walk backwards!
Christian Louboutin
OP hafsa abid 4 / 40  
Apr 7, 2011   #4
thanks for suggestions...due respect

but i need to mention that i am an o level student...my first paper is this year 9th may...english language....how can i do my best within a month....at least my standards can only approve an A*....i need straight A*s
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Apr 7, 2011   #5
All writing is copying. You have to use the same words and phrases that have always been used. So, let's collect words and phrases just like a collection of weapons to use in a battle.

As an English language and literature student, we have to read a lot of literary works and also write many essays. This is a long process if you want to progress.

Now use these sentences in many ways:
As English language and literature students, we have to read a lot of literary works and also write many essays.
As English language and literature students, we have to read a lot of literary works and also write many essays.
As people who care about the environment, we have to tell our Facebook friends about how to recycle their plastic and also write many articles about pollution.

You can learn one sentence very well and use in in many situations. That was my strategy for learning Spanish. I think it does NOT have to take a long time to get good at English as long as you make a good COLLECTION OF SENTENCES to use.

OP hafsa abid 4 / 40  
Apr 8, 2011   #6
can you please help me with some good sentences....can you tell some you know?
imagination - / 1  
Apr 8, 2011   #7
There are some good websites that can help you along with your writing. Practice is of course great but you could ask for feedback on your essays and find out where you can improve. If you just write, write, write you may end up making the same mistakes over and over and wonder why your grades are not improving. There are definitely some good writing guides on the internet if you search for them. Some have great tips and others have examples of essays with comments to show you why it was a good essay. They will help you to structure your writing and give you some tips on setting out and making arguments etc etc. Just make sure you are finding information appropriate to your level of education and country context. Also perhaps ask your teacher to give you an example of a well written paper to read and see why you think its good or talk with students who did well in their O levels and see how they approached papers. It's great you want to improve your writing - all the best.
meron - / 1  
Apr 8, 2011   #8
hi peoeple i am writing essay on a cultural misunderstanding, something that I or a family member experienced. the paper has to be two pages long!! Anybody have any ideas? i need you gues to help me please here is some of my essay that i have done and give me any Suggestion how to improved

Cultural Misunderstanding
I don't have any idea what YOU have experienced - but I knew that when one man puts his face really close to another man's face, in the USA, it means he wants to fight. But in the Middle East (like Saudi Arabia) men always talk with their faces right close to each other that are just the way they do it! So in Saudi Arabia, a man from USA has punched a man from Saudi Arabia who just wanted to have a good talk about something!

Also, in USA, a young person needs to look and authority directly in the eye to show respect and honesty. But in some cultures, if a young person does this, it is taken as disrespect! Which is in the Saudi Arabia if you look at the person in their eyes that means you are disrespect them and not paying attention what they say or ignore them so in the Saudi Arabia it is big problem to look at a person in the eye is you as knowing as disrespect person even know you are being respectful person by looking at that person in to their eyes so that influence that how the media of the cultural misunderstanding play in the role culture like that.

Like in USA, all the young women are told by the media to dress very sexy - but people from the older generations think that is slutty. (the older generation can be seen as another culture.) Maybe your Grandma has misunderstood you this way. Like she thought you were being rude when you said "Whatever..." but you were really just trying to agree. But of course maybe you were being rude! Anyway, think along these lines. A lot of it for you depend on how many other cultures are in your neighborhood or go to your school, whether you have even had this kind of experience.
OP hafsa abid 4 / 40  
Apr 9, 2011   #9
i liked your points...but do the misunderstandings due to generation gap comes under the topic "cultural misunderstanding"?
qingsong 3 / 5  
Apr 9, 2011   #10
I have a suggestion, there are many great articles on this forum, and they are good examples for beginner to study, but it is not convenient for us to search. Could moderators place a mark in the excellent work? For example, put "[recommend]" in front of title. Thus we can search that key word to get that thread.
OP hafsa abid 4 / 40  
Apr 9, 2011   #11
hi quanfu....you are right....moderators should make some action...
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Apr 10, 2011   #12
Could moderators place a mark in the excellent work? For example, put "[recommend]" in front of title

Good idea! I started a collection like that a while back. Check out this thread: Kevin's Collection of Example Essays -- "good structure."

That one is all about "structure." Structure is an interesting concept in writing. I hope you enjoy that thread!
adychang 2 / 3  
Apr 11, 2011   #13
to: SpringZhang
I like your sentence:I walk slowly, but never walk backwards! I think it's really a good sentence to encourage a person who want to progress. I preparing my TOEFL Test now. As a non English native speaker, I have to overcome a lot of barriers in my studying. I think the forum is really a very good platform to improve my writing skills. There are many people to give me comments and advice. I can understand what is my weakness in the passage and then correct these errors. Keep practicing and we will be better and better. "Keep practicing",I think this is the only way to get success.

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