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Posts by philip22 [Suspended]
Name: Richard B Philips
Joined: Feb 18, 2017
Last Post: Feb 18, 2017
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Posts: 3  
From: United States of America
School: modern hills public school

Displayed posts: 3
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Feb 18, 2017
Student Talk / The Foreign Language Learner's Issues in Writing [8]

Writing is an interesting work for me. I like very much writing. Writing also increase our efficiency. While we writing about a new thing it was increase your knowledge. Writing about our customs and traditions, it is the most interested area for me. But one thing I am not an expert in writing.
Feb 18, 2017
Student Talk / My question about SAT score range (from 2050 to 2240) [3]

If you got a 2050 SAT score, you are probably wondering how you are compare to other students, and whether a 2050 is good enough to get into college. The truth is, it depends on your personal college goal and where you want to apply.
Feb 18, 2017
Student Talk / How to train the speaking ability without partner? [27]

Learning to speak English fluently is a challenge for many people.You don not always need a speaking partner to improve your English speaking skills. But there are several effective ways using which you can improve your speaking capabilities without a speaking partner. The some of the useful tips are, think in English, talk to yourself, mirror practice, focus on fluency. I think these are helpful for you.
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