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The Foreign Language Learner's Issues in Writing

akbartaufiq25 7 / 81 54  
May 11, 2016   #1
Hello everyone! I'd like to ask you about the challenges in writing around the foreign language learners. What kind of problems do you have and how you solve it? Your answer will help me obtaining sufficient data to my mini-research.
ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 776 309  
May 11, 2016   #2
Akbar, this is an interesting topic to be discussed here. I do hope that other members, especially foreign language learners can actively participate in this forum category, particularly in this thread. Therefore, I encourage anyone who read this, you are suggested to read and answer these questions. Your answers will be valuable not only for the researcher, but also all of us here. It is possible for you to get an inspiration by seeing someone's way to overcome his or her problems in writing.

With regards to my own obstacles in writing, I reckon that it is definitely grammatical accuracy. This is the most terrifying issue for a foreign language learner like me. In 2 or 3 years ago, I was afraid to write anything in English. I felt that my ability is a shame compared to others, especially my classmates in university. Therefore, I did some practices by reading some English articles and grammar book. The book that I used at that time was Betty Azar's book, Understanding English Grammar (the blue one). By consistently doing those efforts, I was able to earn a satisfying mark in writing within a semester.
OP akbartaufiq25 7 / 81 54  
May 13, 2016   #3
Thanks for the insights Iksan. I am still struggling to improve my English better, I wish that through this community, I can gradually develop my English, especially in writing.

Anyway, is the term "grammatical accuracy" refers to a condition when people (nonnative to English) successfully speak or write, for example in English, without the influence of their native language comprehension?
ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 776 309  
May 14, 2016   #4
Nope, it wasn't like that Akbar. Even native speakers themselves have this kind of difficulty sometimes. For instance, somehow they tend to violate the grammar itself, which also the same as Indonesian native speaker speaks or writes informally. Therefore, it is about how accurate the grammar that people use, e.g. punctuation, subject-verb agreement, plural-singular, and many others grammatical aspects.
OP akbartaufiq25 7 / 81 54  
May 19, 2016   #5
[Moved from]: Why we write: The reason behind your writing.

Hi guys, I do believe that most of the EF members are very passionate in writing or have an interest in this subject. I personally find that writing is an art of crafting words and it is really exciting to arrange the words into a piece of solid texts.

However, some people think that writing is somewhat intricate. Therefore, I would like to hear some of your inspirational stories with writing or why you write. I would like to share your amazing experience that writing is actually an interesting activity so they will be motivated to start writing. I am waiting to read your eye-opening journey to writing. Best regards.
mersad 8 / 14 6  
May 20, 2016   #6
Hi, writing in any language, specially a language which has artistic background, is very amazing for me and generally writing is a way to actualize your ideas and to transform them to materialistic world. However, personally I am here at EF not only to solicit experts for help but interestingly can also assist someone if I can ;)
ppdev 1 / 3 1  
Jun 3, 2016   #7
Akbar, what I understood while learning foreign language and especially in writing task "grammatical accuracy" is important, to improve that reading as much as you can and while reading you have to actually feel where is the grammar; it will help you.
philip22 - / 3  
Feb 18, 2017   #8
Writing is an interesting work for me. I like very much writing. Writing also increase our efficiency. While we writing about a new thing it was increase your knowledge. Writing about our customs and traditions, it is the most interested area for me. But one thing I am not an expert in writing.

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