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Posts by nct
Name: Nham
Joined: Jan 25, 2019
Last Post: Mar 26, 2019
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From: Viet Nam
School: DUE

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Mar 25, 2019
Writing Feedback / IELTS writing task 1 on maps / hydroelectric dam [3]

I've finished my first IELTS writing task 1 on maps. Could you please help me to review it?
Thanks in advance!

presenting changes in an area after completing the energy investment

The maps illustrate the significant changes in an area where an hydroelectric dam was built between 1980 and 2000.
With these changes, the area was almost totally transformed with the disappearance of many natural parts, the construction of new dam and towers, and the transformation of the river.

In 1980, green parts of the area such as forest, architect structure and the area for rare plants and animals were located to the west of the the river, but they were totally removed in 2000. Also, irrigated land to the east of the river was demolished to make way for a hotel.

The most significant changes happened in the north of the area. First of all, a hydrolectric dam was built in the north-end of the river to stop the stream. There was also a construction of electricity towers around the dam to generate electric. Besides, the river were widened in its mid-segment to store water. Finally, the village was relocated to the north-east corner of the area.

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