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Posts by Praise Aninyei
Name: Kelikwuma Tobechukwu Emmanuel
Joined: Oct 27, 2019
Last Post: Oct 29, 2019
Threads: 1
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Likes: 2
From: Nigeria
School: University of Benin

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Praise Aninyei   
Oct 27, 2019
Scholarship / Leadership & Influence - Respect every ideas and connect the team for the goal. [3]

Hello, ntlinhran
I like your grammar, quite decent so there are no corrections about that.
I feel you should remove this statement " one of the best challenges I have had" it dimimishes the importance of your previous example. Amd you can do away with it.

Also I feel you can remove the part where you say you paid the teachers an extra 15% from your salary. It does not just sound right.

Goodluck in your application.
Praise Aninyei   
Oct 28, 2019
Scholarship / Ministry of Foreign affairs - Chevening post career plan [NEW]


The absence of peace in all regions of my country has influenced my decision to take the career path of a peace builder, calling for peace against hate on a national and international level . In I am determined to begin a career as a peace builder and have this path lead to representing my country on an international level as a diplomat. My plans to achieve this upon my return are structured into short term plans which involve gathering the necessary experience desired by International non governmental organisations through volunteering and executing helpful community programmes, intermediate plans where I leverage on experiences gathered, contacts from the Nigerian chevening community and professional bodies to get placed in peace Making programmes and finally long term plans of entering into the service of my country as a diplomat.

I plan to spend 1-2 years gathering critical experience that will serve to make me hirable to leading non governmental organizations in the country through volunteering with reputable organizations and programmes involved in conflict resolution such as the UK's North East Security and Conflict stabilization Programme. Volunteering in this manner affords the opportunity to be involved in peace projects and translate my study into practical professional experience. It will also provide me with insight on meaningful ways to execute personal Community programmes that educate participants on workable approaches towards conflict resolution. Professional accreditation is to be attained at this point through registration with the Chartered Mediation body of Nigeria.

My Intermediate plan is to get a job with a reputable public interest organizations and spend 10 years . Here my links with the Nigeria chevening community,experiences from volunteering with organizations and executing personal developmental programmes will be utilized, my chevening scholar status will also be a bonus feature helping to land me in such organizations.. My target here are organizations with involvement in the crisis situation in Nigeria such as the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. I would also like to further my M.A with a PHd degree in Foreign relations.

In the long run ,I plan to transition into the Ministry of Foreign affairs as a senior officer. it is my desire to further the peace interest of my country on a national level through diplomatic positions. I will sustain and improve the relationship between my country and its partners like the Uk, whose financial aid in conflict fragile areas is estimated at £84 million between 2018-2019 alone and collaborate on better programmes which will end security challenges in Nigeria and therefore create commercial opportunities for countries like the Uk, in in the financial sector, agricultural technology and education.

A career in peace building like all things of value are never accomplished overnight but demand many steps. The chevening scholarship with its global outlook is one of those steps that pivot my dreams into living realities.
Praise Aninyei   
Oct 29, 2019
Scholarship / Chevening Networking Essay: How Your Network Can Influence Your Balance Sheet [2]

Good day kaybee.
You are making your essay sound like a curriculum vitae.
You should select one or just two examples from your life concerning how you have networked and how this networking has helped you in one way or another.

For instance you said you have had some of your contacts invest in your business why don't you elaborate on that; tell the reviewer how you engaged and maintained ths relationship to the point where it proved useful.

It is not just about saying you created a WhatsApp group give examples of how through this group successful business deals were made through you as a connector.

Be direct not vague. Give the reviewer a bird in hand and not two in the bush.
Good luck
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