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Posts by madinamodesta [Suspended]
Name: Madina Saparova
Joined: Nov 3, 2020
Last Post: Nov 3, 2020
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From: Узбекистан
School: Secondary #3

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Nov 3, 2020
Scholarship / The national and international level - Strong leadership and personal influence - Chevening [3]

Leading and influencing requires knowledge

Being a leader is like running a family. If you are a good example for your family members and get on well, communicate with empathy, support at fun and hard times, motivate them to do their best with the high rate of honesty and confidence, your family would achieve more successes in the society. With a few above-mentioned examples, I confirm my leadership potential to become one of the best influencers in my country in the field I have selected.

Firstly, having the ability of inspiring people around me and being a responsible for my work provided me to reach a trainer position after six-month work as a language teacher. As an example from professional experience is that only with one-year teaching experience, I was appointed to be a trainer for English language teachers at the Retraining Institute in my region. Completing a four-month course, 70 percent of the teachers in my group passed the test successfully from State Test Center and gained a certificate of having 30 percent bonus for their salary. To achieve all the provided examples, I simply followed my own principles: taking full responsibility for making decisions and be fully committed to my work and my team.

Another factor which leads to a leadership is a personal influence. By organizing Speaking and debate clubs, I encourage my pupils to perform better in the target language. Moreover, on the dates of celebrations, I organized different language competitions among pupils and performances about ancient scientists and writers around the globe which inspired pupils to acquire the language enthusiastically. As a result, two of my pupils, hold a first place in the regional language Olympiad. Another one won a notebook and achieved the certificate in the Essay Contest.

Leading and influencing requires a potential knowledge. Therefore, I want to broaden my knowledge at an internationally recognized University in the UK. Obtaining a Chevening scholarship will be vital for me to sharpen my leadership skills at the national and international level; in addition, it provides me with the opportunity of fully committing my studies which serves to achieve my long-term career goals in the future.
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