Speeches /
Business Law Presentation [5]
Hi Sarah...This is my Business Law Presentation topic. I don't understand what does it means...Do u have any idea with it?How can I start by doing this?Tues is deadline...I hope u can help me...Like what is the part that I need 2 focus and please state it accordingly...So that I can do some preparation and show my work 2 u by tomorrow...Thanks...
Please ensure that the work is your own and proper referencing is used where appropriate.
Kindly provide an outline/summary of the key points you wish to discuss.
Each presenter has 15 minutes to state his/her views. Marks will be deducted for any presentation that exceeds 20 minutes.
5 minutes will be allocated to responding to questions from the floor.
The presentation constitutes 10% of the assessment for the subject.
Introduction ï 10%
Setting the objectives ï 10%
Presentation style (language, voice projection etc) ï 20%
Clarity of arguments/views ï 30%
Appropriate conclusion ï 10%
Response to questions ï 20%
6. Explain the statement: 'Not every thing that is legal, right.'