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Posts by sparkle225
Joined: Dec 31, 2011
Last Post: Dec 31, 2011
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From: United States of America

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Dec 31, 2011
Undergraduate / Princeton Summers- Theater and Politics [2]

After discovering last night that Princeton Summers was 2500 character max rather than 250 I managed to produce this:

The last bell rings, signaling an end to the school year's complicated routine of tests, assignments, and extracurricular activities. Instead of retreating from educational chaos to a summer of creating carefree memories, and basking in the sun at the local beach, I revel in busy summers filled with interesting activities.

Ever since first grade, the first part of summer vacation has consisted of a stressful string of practices, dress rehearsals and final performances for plays at my local community theater. When I was younger this merely entailed patiently waiting for my cues, but for the last three years, I assumed greater responsibilities as a director. At each performance, I applied makeup, whispered lines to forgetful actors, made last minute costume repairs, and broke up little boys fighting with prop swords. The plays begin dress rehearsals in shambles, but after countless extra practices and an artistic miracle, they eventually become a magnificent blend of staging, human animation, and beautifully colored costumes.

Though the performance arts have been an integral part of me, my passion for politics also defines me. Two summers ago, I worked as an intern for my state representative and then worked briefly on his campaign for state senator. Answering constituent correspondence and watching lawmakers deliberate problems left me with a greater appreciation for politics and its players. That summer's political activities merely wet my appetite and left me longing to expand into a bigger arena. This past summer, I satisfied that political hunger by serving as a page for the U.S. House of Representatives. While there, I was audience to the passage of bills, inspiring speeches by important people, and the cultural atmosphere of Washington, D.C.

Of course, I sprinkle my summer schedule with simpler pursuits, such as cooking the perfect spaghetti, reading for pleasure, practicing piano, painting homes for Habitat for Humanity, making Christmas cards, and even going to the beach. The perfect balance of hectic moments and relaxation is difficult to maintain, but it has made my summers enjoyable.

Checking grammar would also be appreciated!
Dec 31, 2011
Undergraduate / 'jeans and T-shirts' - Common App EC short answer - Summer Service Project [4]

I'm taken to a large classroom, where I find outdiscover I'll be sharing my sleeping space with twenty other females.
The next day, I drive to a stranger's home and awkwardly introduce myself as the teen who'll be working oncould insert something more descriptive his/her trailer that week.

The work gets progressively more grueling, and I become increasingly more exhausted, both mentally and physically.

I forgot that I'm at a run-down high school in the Appalachia region with those same twenty other females, all just as eager to shower as me.

The minimalist lifestyle I experience while on ASP (write it out) is where I find most joy. I love connecting with people I otherwise wouldn't and exploring unfamiliar areas.

Just tweaked some words.
Dec 31, 2011
Undergraduate / Brown- theater on and off stage [2]

The applause grew louder and louder as my little actors took their bows. Only an hour before, I was attempting to disarm little boys fighting with prop swords, make the stage lights go on, repair costumes and maintain control so my autistic actor would remain calm. For the past three springs, I, as "Auntie Sam," have created my own "paintings" with the colors of costumes and lights, and the emotion conveyed by the actors' animation. I am proud of my success in turning a group of shy, insecure children into confident individuals, both on and off stage. At each curtain call, I beam with pride at my living art, hoping that these young actors will continue my legacy.

Please polish up!
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