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Posts by ladybt
Joined: May 5, 2012
Last Post: May 5, 2012
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From: Australia

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May 5, 2012
Essays / STRUCURE of THEATRE + PERFORMACE ESSAY. I have to compare two dramatists. [2]

Hello. for my theatre and performance class, i have to write a 2200 word essay on two dramatists and how there concepts affected the way that the performers connected with the audience. i am having a difficult time finding the best way to STRUCTURE my essay. here is the question:

Analyse and compare the ways in which TWO of the practitioners
covered in this course conceive of the interaction between the
performers and the audience.

Your answer should take into consideration the reasons for the practitioners'
different approaches to their art (including their social-cultural contexts and
their artistic goals) and what they hoped would be the impact of their work on
their audience.


I am doing the essay on artists Vsevolod Meyerhold and Antonin Artaud. I have some information and sources on them. However, like i said i am having a difficult time finding the best way to structure the essay. thanks, help would be much appreciated.
May 5, 2012
Writing Feedback / "There is nothing that young people can teach older people" [3]

young people are the new generation. growing up with new technology and systems, we have so much to offer the older generations. if anything, we have way more to teach the older generation then they can teach us, in the sense that our information might be more valuable in todays society. (modern take on the question).
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