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Posts by aura
Joined: Feb 19, 2009
Last Post: Feb 19, 2009
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From: USA

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Feb 19, 2009
Research Papers / Help with Religion Assignment? [10]

you can start of by going to
which is a place where u can access the Bible..
in a million different versions..

i'd say you look into the NIV version..
just cus its easier to understand :P
and type in Mark in the search box..
that'll take you directly to the Book of Mark :D

hope that helps a little
Feb 19, 2009
Book Reports / Thesis from a paragraph of "King Lear" [5]

My Thesis ("King Lear")

okay guys..
so I'm new here.. and i hope i get a reply before tomorrow morning..
its URGENT..

can you guys give me feedback on my thesis statement.
whether it needs corrections or re-arrangements.
our teacher asked us to utilize the "not only.. But also" type thesis.. so here it goes:

In "King Lear" several themes are evident, not only does Shakespeare introduce popular themes such as love and deceit, but also weaves in the intricate and symbolic theme of blindness.

thanks, guys!
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