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Posts by andriannette
Joined: Jan 21, 2013
Last Post: Jan 22, 2013
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From: United States of America

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Jan 22, 2013
Undergraduate / to my mom' - Apply Texas Topic A (Inspiration) [5]

I think you should talk a little more about how you turned your mothers hardships into a life lesson. How did this impact you? You might want to explain a little more.
Jan 22, 2013
Undergraduate / 'My father in his uniform' - Apply Texas: someone who influenced your life. [2]

This is just my intro... in progress.

As we grow older, our once cherished childhood memories begin to fade, and all we are left with is our parents and our grandparents reminding us of how much of a handful we once were. Take my mother for instance, she'll never let me forget how I would always run up to a photo of my father in his marine uniform and gloat about how HE was my father. To make matters even worse, I wouldn't call him MY father unless he was wearing his uniform.

I can proudly admit that out of everyone that has made an impact in my life my father has to be, and continues to be, the most remarkable. I use his advice on day-to-day basis, and I wouldn't be who I was today without him.
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