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Posts by patels2
Name: Sonali Patel
Joined: Sep 14, 2015
Last Post: Dec 26, 2015
Threads: 1
Posts: 1  

From: United States of America
School: MCA Academy for STEM

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Dec 26, 2015
Undergraduate / 'openness of the students' - My Why Northwestern Essay - Not sure if it's too generic? [4]

What are the unique qualities of Northwestern - and of the specific undergraduate school(s) to which you are applying - that make you want to attend the University? In what ways do you hope to take advantage of the qualities you have identified? (300 words)

While visiting Northwestern, I was struck by the openness of the students. It was a bitter, cold day, and students were more than willing to help me navigate the campus and tell me where I could get the best hot chocolate.The welcoming student body me feel right at home.

Northwestern has many opportunities to help me achieve my goal of becoming a physician. At Northwestern, I'd join health education organizations such as the Community Health Corps, the Northwestern Emergency Medicine Organization and the Peerhealth exchange. I'd use the skills I have developed as a lead safety ambassador to increase the outreach of such clubs.

I'm interested in practicing in underserved areas and want to be involved in global outreach programs. While shadowing doctors in rural India, I witnessed the impact healtcare can have and I'd like to make a difference on a larger scale. I'd take part in Northwestern's Globalmed program in Uganda and aid the University's involvement in Project RISHI. Working with such organizations would allow me to become a more culturally conscious student and doctor.

Physicians must have a strong foundation in the sciences, and the many research projects at Northwestern would help me comprehend the underpinnings of biology and chemistry. I'd like to continue my work with the Waksman DNA Program by performing research in the NU Bioscientist research preparatory program. I'd like to research the molecular biology behind genetic disorders and look into possible treatments or diagnoses. Working with faculty such as Dr. Peter Kopp, whose work with endocrinological disorders fascinates me, would build a strong foundation for the rest of my medical career.

Attending Northwestern would be a huge stepping stone towards my future career and I would be honored to be able to take that step.
Dec 26, 2015
Undergraduate / The MIU of Arts & Design school can help me to become a brand owner and to open a fashion store [3]

I expect that my education at Miami International University of Arts & Design can will help me attain my goal of becoming a brand owner and wanting to opening a fashion store.

I am sure Miami International University of Arts & Design MIU has the technology, insight and environment to help me excel far beyond the school gleam lights. I believe the school can help me benefit in help me attain as much knowledge as possible to help me succeed in the major of my choice. I am positive you have everything to help me possibly go where many successors have gone before.

you use alot of I will, I believe, I think etc etc, it gets a bit repetitive. If you could find a way to rephrase those, it would improve the quality of your essays by a lot!
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