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Posts by m4louso
Name: Mayara Louzada Alarcăo Sobral
Joined: Oct 24, 2015
Last Post: Nov 8, 2015
Threads: 4
Posts: 14  
From: Brazil
School: PUC RIO

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Oct 24, 2015
Scholarship / Leadership & Influence Essay - Little help here for a non-native English speaker! [8]

Hi everyone. I'm not a native English speaker, so I'd appreciate your help in proofreading and correcting grammar and style mistakes in my essay bellow.

This is part of my application to a Chevening scholarship.

1. Chevening is looking for individuals that will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.(minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

Eisenhower once said that "leadership is the art to get someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it". I believe this is a simplistic and old-fashioned view of the subject. Leadership is not directing a group of people that will blindly follow you. It is rather about inspiring people to reach their full potential and support them in moments of need. I believe that being a leader is about your ability to understand the specific needs of the team and act upon it. Therefore, I will describe situations when I saw that I could step up and help the group achieve a goal, rather than list occasions when I was formally in charge.

When I was in high school I participated in a Model United Nations, which is a conference where students represent delegations from various nation-states as it occurs in the real UN. This experience certainly influenced me to pursue a degree in International Relations. Upon getting into college, I joined an independent group that organizes Model UN for high school students. In a country where politics is deemed uninteresting, it was a long shot to try to instigate teenagers in discussions of world big themes.

My role was to mediate the discussions and help them finding a solution to the problems that the UN was facing in Somalia. Obviously, neither of us had a simple task. It required an intense effort to encourage students to lean in and speak their minds. Albeit a short time, I saw many get excited over discussions on how to tackle world poverty, inequality and sustained development. I am honored to have been able to support and mentor them. But I am sure that they have helped me even more by giving me a chance to develop some of my most distinctive traits as a leader. I learnt how to encourage a cooperative approach, to inspire and to motivate.

Those qualities were an asset in my internships when I had to deal with real life problems. Being an intern means being in a position of constant learning with few opportunities of leading. I tried to always take the most out of this position by looking up to the leaders in the company. I earned their confidence with a hardworking attitude and soon was trusted to lead small projects. My leadership potential was acknowledged and it became more and more often for me to be chosen by managers of different levels as leader of the team. These experiences were important for me to learn how to lead in a hierarchized environment where I wasn't at the top without disrespecting my peers.

In the end, leadership to me is about empowerment and collaborative work rather than Eisenhower's delegation of tasks. I have a long road ahead of me in order to become anything like the leaders I admire. Yet, I am committed to growing and always being a better leader than I was on the day before.
Oct 24, 2015
Scholarship / Leadership & Influence Essay - Little help here for a non-native English speaker! [8]

Hi Louisa,

Thanks for your considerations. I will work on my essay to follow these instructions and put more focus on my real world experiences. I will soon post a revised version of the essay.

Regarding the UN Model experience, I participated for the first time when I was in high school, but it was only upon getting into college that I started organizing the event and mentoring the students. Do you still think I should cut all of it? Maybe I could rephrase it to make this clearer and cut the high school part. Though the problems that *they* were tackling were not real, my ability to inspire and engage them were. My personal challenge wasn't to solve the issues, but to make them solve.
Oct 24, 2015
Scholarship / Leadership & Influence Essay - Little help here for a non-native English speaker! [8]

Draft 2 - I've tried to focus more on the specifics of my internships/job within the 500 word limit

Leadership is not directing a group of people that will blindly follow you. It is rather about inspiring people to reach their full potential and support them in moments of need. I believe that being a leader is about your ability to understand the specific needs of the team and act upon it. Therefore, I will describe situations when I saw that I could step up and help the group achieve a goal, rather than list occasions when I was formally in charge.

Being an intern means being in a position of constant learning with few opportunities of leading. My first significant professional experience was as an intern in the Development, Commerce, Finance and Investment research group of BRICS Policy Center. Even though I was the only undergraduate student in a group of scholars with masters and PhD degrees, I soon earned their confidence with a hardworking attitude and insightful contributions to the discussions. The biggest event of the year I worked there was the Rio+20 conference. The entire office was focused in producing relevant content to cover this. After several meetings where I brought relevant information to the table and helped the team brainstorm ideas to write policy papers, I was trusted to be the representative of our group in a task force for all activities related to the Rio+20 conference. I participated in a series of meetings with other research groups and by the end of the task force we delivered 50+ pages of content. Due to my involvement in all the activities related to Rio+20 I was asked to provide inputs and co-sign a research paper of my group that was produced by PhD level scholars. This experience gave me a chance to develop some of my most distinctive traits as a leader. I learnt how to coordinate groups with different backgrounds, to encourage a cooperative approach, to influence and to motivate.

Those qualities were an asset when I later became Government & Public Affairs (GPA) intern at BG Brasil, part of BG Group. I tried to always take the most out of this position by looking up to the leaders in the company. At first my job description was to support the managers with preparation of key messages, presentations and briefing packs. However, as I earned their confidence I was soon trusted to have my own projects and to lead discussions with other areas. Due to my performance I was contracted as GPA analyst, which expanded my responsibilities. I was trusted to be GPA representative in industry associations meetings where I had to leverage influence in support of BG projects. These experiences were important for me to learn how to lead in a hierarchized environment where I wasn't at the top without disrespecting my peers.

I have a long road ahead of me in order to become anything like the leaders I admire. Yet, I am committed to growing and always being a better leader than I was on the day before.
Oct 24, 2015
Writing Feedback / Human intervention vs machines [3]

Lacusclyne, I'm not a native speaker either, but I'll try to help you by highlighting (red) some words you might consider replacing. The essay is good, but sometimes you rely on unnecessarily complicated vocabulary that makes it hard to follow what you're saying. Paragraph 3# is your best. I would rate it a 25/30.

With the cultivation of humans' capabilities into machines being on thea upward trajectory, ...
...the infiltration of computers and machines into organizations and factories has automated the production line...
... only teachers couldcan make an objective assessment onthe progress made by each students and thereby devise corresponding teaching strategies andto adjust their teaching pace appropriate for the needs of their pupils.
Oct 24, 2015
Undergraduate / The flight lessons to become a pilot - common app with the convenience prompt [6]

John, I really liked your story. You managed to tell the reader that you can overcome your fears and fly a plane, besides other nice things about you and your personality, without sounding pretentious.

However, beggining the text with "My first flying lesson.." sounds a bit abrupt. Try setting the scene by explaining the reasons behind your desire to become a pilot.

Also, this part of the text seems a bit unrelated to the rest "Flying has made me more disciplined, taught me the importance of humility, taught me how to be patient and reminded me to never fear the unknown. It is important to always be kind and patient with others because you never know what personal battles they are fighting ." I believe you were referring to your own struggle at the first time you flied, but throwing up is not a hidden personal battle. Maybe rephrase or make it clearer by connecting with the rest of the text.
Oct 24, 2015
Scholarship / [Chevening Essays] Building networks was essential for me to get my first internship [9]

This is the second essay I've written to apply for a Chevening scholarship. I found this harder to write than the Leadership & Influence one. I tried my best not to repeat experiences that fall under bother 'influence' and 'network' categories. This is 441 words, which means I still have some room left to expand if necessary.

Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your networking skills, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future. (minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

Throughout my academic and professional career I have experienced the importance of having the right connections. Building networks was essential for me to get my first internship, to succeed in my job after graduating and to have reference letters for a Chevening scholarship. I will briefly explain how networking skills helped me going from a student in an underrepresented municipality in Rio de Janeiro's periphery to an International Relations graduate with colleagues in the five continents of the world.

Being a talkative and hardworking student led me to develop close ties with teachers from many classes I took. Based on their reference letters I received a full tuition scholarship at the best private university on International Relations in Brazil and funding for an exchange program at the United States. Those good relationships also helped me finding my first professional opportunity. I was indicated to a position of research assistant for a PhD thesis in International Relations, which turned out to be an amazing opportunity to learn more about development issues and public policy making.

During my exchange, it was also through a connection that I got an internship at Earth Child Institute (ECI), a NGO that works tirelessly to empower children in the Amazon forest. During this exchange I became friends with people from all over the world and learned on a daily basis how to overcome cultural barriers. This experience certainly improved my networking skills and ability to connect to different people. After four months I had easily met over 500 people from more than 40 countries.

Networking skills also proved to be an important asset in my job as Government & Public Affairs Analyst. I was responsible for leveraging influence in support of the company's projects and fostering close relationships with government, regulatory agency and industry associations. The job had a cross-functional nature that required me to coordinate with people from different areas. This was important to expand my network by adding contacts in law, communications, sustainability, project management and finance, among others.

My plans upon returning to Brazil include fostering a network of young professionals interested in public policy and politics. This is a priority area in the country and we need motivated and qualified professionals to make a positive impact. I believe I have already started to build my network to do so. However, this is only the beginning. I want to be a Chevening scholar so that I can get to know young leaders from around the world and learn from their experiences. Finding people that are motivated by the same issues that you are is the first step towards creating a movement capable of change.
Oct 27, 2015
Scholarship / [Chevening Essays] Building networks was essential for me to get my first internship [9]

Louisa, thanks for your comments. You're always helpful! I've added a few sentences to try to explain better how I got those connections. However, now the essay is above the word limit, so I have to cut it somewhere. Any suggestions? It has 543 words and I need it to be 500.

Please don't repost the same / unchanged sentences.

Draft 2

My commitment and desire to learn were essential for them to feel compelled to indicate me to positions they thought I was a fit and to act as a referee when I needed.

In spite of knowing me for a short time, one of my professors thought of me for this position after I demonstrated interest in public policy. It was also during this exchange that I became friends ...

... met over 500 people from more than 40 countries in classes, social gatherings, clubs, etc.

To have this strong network was important when I returned to Brazil after my exchange. I kept in contact with my peers while I was away and upon returning they offered me my position back.
Oct 27, 2015
Undergraduate / Invent a Past for a Present - UChicago Supplement [7]

You're an amazing writer, that's for sure. But I got lost at some points that you need to clarify. As Louisa said, you jump from one kind of narrative to other and it can be pretty confusing to the reader.

First of all, try explaining better how you got the book and who is Lizzie in this situation. Is she your friend from school? You should also try to separate this Lizzie from the II World War Elizabeth, because it gets confusing sometimes. I believe that a clearer transition between the three moments of the text (you getting the book from your backpack, when Elizabeth had it, when Lizzie had it) is necessary.

I also missed you getting back into the story. We start the text seeing everything through your perspective but you disappear completely. What happenned? By bringing the reader back to present time you will have a conclusion that puts it all together.
Oct 27, 2015
Undergraduate / UW Short Response. How would you contribute to this community? [3]

I answered the prompt, but there are some grammar mistakes. I've highlighted the ones that I saw and in red a suggestion to make it better. From someone that is not a native English-speaker either, I have to tell you: don't worry about your mistakes, it gets better as you become more comfortable with the language.

I was born in Viet Nam, but soon I left Viet Namleft the country at the age of 16 to start h igh school here in the US at the age of 16 . Surrounding myself in a multicultural society in my early years givesgave me different perspectives about different cultures, as well as the ability to understand them thoroughly., and It also teachestaught me to have mutual respect towards other races. And having that,which is an attitude necessaryattitude on campus is necessary .

I used to be very shy, which has taken away many chances of mine, . I know how that hurts, so hopefully that I couldI will be able to do something to encourage students like me
Oct 27, 2015
Scholarship / Leadership & Influence Essay - Little help here for a non-native English speaker! [8]

I've given a lot of thought to your suggestion of including a paragraph with a specific situation where I used my leadership and influence skills, but I'm having a hard time thinking of something that is really worth an entire paragraph. Besides, after the grammar corrections, the essay is exactly 500 words. Do you think it's worth cutting some parts of it to include a paragrah with information that might be not really interesting? If so, where should I cut?

Thank you!
Oct 27, 2015
Scholarship / ESSAY - The universities I selected are intrinsically connected to my past experiences [4]

I'm a non-native English speaker and I'm always in doubt if what I'm writting is correct and making sense. I would appreciate your inputs on the essay bellow.

I'm also in doubt if I need to be more specific and if I need a concluding paragraph. So far it is 455 words, which means I can still add some information if necessary.

Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future.

*Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of this form (minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

The three university courses that I selected are intrinsically connected to my past experiences and to what I view as my future upon returning to Brazil. I have a BA in International Relations and a professional background in government relations, lobbying and comparative development. All of those experiences were important for me to understand that the questions I found most motivating were the ones related to public policy and international development challenges.

Therefore, I have decided to pursue a career that allows me to work with policy making whereas making a positive impact in Brazil. My plan for the future is to work with the development, implementation and evaluation of policies in government, companies or NGOs. I have chosen interdisciplinary graduate degrees that combine practical experience with academic research in policy making.

I have chosen the University of Cambridge as my first option due to its internationally known reputation and equal strengths in economics and public policy. The MPhil in Public Policy is an interdisciplinary course that offers both academic and practical training and aims to prepare students to have leading roles in government, companies or NGOs. There is also a strong policy community in Cambridge, which includes the Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP) and the Strategic Research Initiative on Public Policy (SRI). The first is designed to bring together scholars and policy makers, while the latter is about connecting a range of subject areas in research for public policy. In fact, one of SRI's research themes is Welfare and Inequality, which is one of Brazil's biggest public policy challenges.

I have also selected two courses at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) due to its internationally diverse community and track record of world leading interdisciplinary research. QMUL is in a privileged geographic position, close to the heart of UK politics and benefiting from networking opportunities that only a world city like London can provide. The MSc in International Business and Politics resonates directly to my work in Public & Government Affairs and my background in International Relations. It draws on the strengths of the School of Politics and International Relations and the School of Business Studies to offer a unique interdisciplinary program.

QMUL MSc in Public Policy is structured around theoretical and practical insights into policy formation and implementation. It has a strong international and comparative element that will be useful in researching alternative solutions to Brazil's policymaking issues. Indeed, the course has a strong interest in the comparative analysis of policy for the developing world. It offers theoretical tools and empirical evidence for the student to use the content around his own research agenda. This flexibility is particularly great for me since I intend to study Brazil's specificities in policy making challenges.
Oct 29, 2015
Scholarship / [Chevening Essays] Building networks was essential for me to get my first internship [9]

Thanks for your help, Louisa. I've changed the sentences according to your suggestions but I was still 25 words above the limit! I rephrased other parts of the text and cut words that I thought were unnecessary. It is still 13 words longer than allowed and I don't know where to cut anymore... I'm having a hard time rephrasing because I think in my native language and the sentence structure doesn't always make sense in English :-(

I'm sorry to bother you that much, but if you have other suggestions on how to make it shorter I would appreciate a lot.

Draft 3

Oct 29, 2015
Graduate / 1) why do you want to study further? 2) why the university? 3) why should we select you? - M. letter [10]

I believe you did not fully answer the prompt. I did not see any mention to which university are you applying to and why you have chosen this university specially. Without that, you're not answering the second part of the prompt.

You have already divided the essay in three paragraphs, which I agree is the right thing to do since you have three questions to answer. However, keep in mind that you have to give equally developed responses to all three. Therefore, the paragraphs can't have that much difference in length.
Oct 29, 2015
Essays / Opinion wanted about my literature thesis statement [5]

Travis, I believe you're on the right track. I don't know much about Garcia Marquez work (I've read one or two of his books only), but magical realism is exactly about mixing fantasy and reality to expose oppressive situations.

One little thing that I'm sure was a typo: political instability of Colombia, not Columbia.
Oct 29, 2015
Scholarship / ESSAY - The universities I selected are intrinsically connected to my past experiences [4]

Thanks for your inputs, Jessica!

I've changed the essay quite a bit. I've deleted one of the paragraphs and changed it for another, since I've decided to change my selected courses for Chevening. I've also included a brief concluding paragraph.

Hope anyone can proofread this new version of the essay.

Draft 2

Nov 8, 2015
Letters / 'benefit from the opportunities' - Letter of Motivation for Master Program in Development Studies! [3]

Could anyone take a look at my motivation letter bellow? I feel this is too long and maybe confusing. I'd appreciate some feedback :-)

Subject: Motivation letter for a Master program in Development Studies

Dear Sir/Madam,

With this letter I would hereby like to express my motivation for applying to XX's Master program in Development Studies. I have recently graduated in International Relations at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and I would certainly benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development provided by a sustained period of graduate study.

Being a citizen from an emerging country made me aware of inequalities and development challenges from a young age. When I decided to pursue a degree in International Relations, my ultimate goal was to obtain the necessary academic tools to attempt to deal with the issues that surrounded and affected me the most. After passing the entrance exam at the best two universities in Rio de Janeiro, I applied to a full scholarship and was accepted to study International Relations at PUC-Rio. There I graduated with specializations in Academic Research and International Cooperation for Development.

My undergraduate studies were definitely important in laying the academic foundation that I needed to better understand the correlation between the international distribution of power and world poverty. However, the academic curriculum of the International Relations major was not enough to provide me with the in-depth knowledge of development challenges that I was looking for. In order to fill this gap, I sought to combine my studies with professional experiences. To further my academic skills, I worked as a Teaching Assistant and a Research Assistant for a PhD thesis on the relationship between foreign policy and industrial policy during President Lula government, which turned out to be an amazing opportunity to learn more about development issues and public policy making. I was also an intern researcher at the BRICS Policy Center, a think tank dedicated to the study of BRICS countries. There, I was part of the Development, Commerce, Trade and Investment research group and was a focal point during the Rio+20 conference activities.

I also looked for opportunities to gain hands-on experience with policy making and project management. I worked at a multinational company in the area of Government & Public Affairs, where I was responsible for monitoring the improvement of relevant regulation. While there I got the chance to participate in a series of public consultations and public hearings, which gave me a closer look to the policymaking process in Brazil. Later on, after a thorough selection process, I received the only scholarship available to PUC-Rio students for an exchange program at the United States. There I had classes at the United Nations with diplomats, policy makers and international agencies personnel. Besides, to further my practical experience with policy making, I was an intern at Earth Child Institute, an international NGO working to empower underrepresented children in the Amazon forest.

All of those experiences were crucial in reaching an understanding that I am most passionate about public policy and international development challenges. Therefore, I decided to pursue a career that will allow me to work in policy making while making a lasting positive impact in Brazil. My plan for the future is to be involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies in government or international agencies.

After considerable research, I am sure that the XX's, with its equal strengths in theoretical, policy and practical skills, is the best fit for my interests and future career. Besides its internationally known reputation and a worldwide network of alumni, XX offers a specialized stream in Human and Social Development that is particularly interesting to me. It directly connects to my plans of working for local governments developing and implementing projects related to socioeconomic policies. Besides, the interdisciplinarity of this program will provide me with a holistic view of the subjects that is essential for a professional who has to solve complex problems.

Given my past history of commitment to the study of development challenges, I am confident that I will bring a high level of energy and enthusiasm to your program. I am sure to exceed your expectations, because of my academic skills as well as the experience gained from my internships. Furthermore, my international background and interdisciplinary education will add more diversity to your program. I understand that you will attract the best candidates in the field and I am confident that I would flourish in that environment.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to your acceptance.
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