Jun 21, 2020
Scholarship / Practical examples on how will I use my knowledge and skills and list of constrainsts- AAS [4]
Give up thre practical examples of how you intend to use knowledge, skills and connection gain from your scholarship. Possible tasks can be professional/personal and list any possible constraints you may think may prevent you from achieving tasks.
I would like to strengthen the health delivery system of Nepal. To achieve the target, I would carry out three tasks utilizing knowledge and skills obtained from the Master in Public Health course.
Despite people living with chronic diseases being vulnerable group, there is disruption in physiotherapy and rehabilitation services which are critical for chronic disease management especially in rural communities. Therefore to address this problem, I will try to draw attention of government on access to therapeutic care for chronic diseases including rehabilitation services in rural area while developing COVID-19 response and preparedness plan. I will enforce health policy-maker for proportionate mobilisation of physiotherapist at community level including primary health care level and District Hospitals. Longer term, I will work for recovery from consequences of COVID-19 such as decreased pulmonary function, endurance by conducting awareness and exercise campaign.
After working as a physiotherapist in a rural community for years, I witnessed the architectural barrier a major obstacle that keeps people with disabilities from utilization of provided heath services. For instance, during the current pandemic, people with disabilities are having difficulty in mantaining personal hygiene, sanitation, and function with maximum potential due to disability unfriendly environment which poses huge societal and economic burden. Therefore, my next step would be to conduct community-based programs in remote areas focusing on disability-friendly environment and infrastructures in partnership with government, organization, engineering team, and community stakeholders.
Furthermore, I will promote evidence-based health care by implementing research findings in delivery health services, national policy, and individual practice. I will conduct epidemiological and interventional studies on chronic diseases which then be used to formulate effective approaches that are feasible in the context of Nepal.
I think possible constraints that may prevent me from achieving the above tasks are:
·Funding and Financing
·Awareness of rehabilitation, disability, chronic diseases and consequences among community stakeholders and authorized personnel
·Human resources
·Political, social and cultural barriers
Three examples (health care field)
Give up thre practical examples of how you intend to use knowledge, skills and connection gain from your scholarship. Possible tasks can be professional/personal and list any possible constraints you may think may prevent you from achieving tasks.
I would like to strengthen the health delivery system of Nepal. To achieve the target, I would carry out three tasks utilizing knowledge and skills obtained from the Master in Public Health course.
Despite people living with chronic diseases being vulnerable group, there is disruption in physiotherapy and rehabilitation services which are critical for chronic disease management especially in rural communities. Therefore to address this problem, I will try to draw attention of government on access to therapeutic care for chronic diseases including rehabilitation services in rural area while developing COVID-19 response and preparedness plan. I will enforce health policy-maker for proportionate mobilisation of physiotherapist at community level including primary health care level and District Hospitals. Longer term, I will work for recovery from consequences of COVID-19 such as decreased pulmonary function, endurance by conducting awareness and exercise campaign.
After working as a physiotherapist in a rural community for years, I witnessed the architectural barrier a major obstacle that keeps people with disabilities from utilization of provided heath services. For instance, during the current pandemic, people with disabilities are having difficulty in mantaining personal hygiene, sanitation, and function with maximum potential due to disability unfriendly environment which poses huge societal and economic burden. Therefore, my next step would be to conduct community-based programs in remote areas focusing on disability-friendly environment and infrastructures in partnership with government, organization, engineering team, and community stakeholders.
Furthermore, I will promote evidence-based health care by implementing research findings in delivery health services, national policy, and individual practice. I will conduct epidemiological and interventional studies on chronic diseases which then be used to formulate effective approaches that are feasible in the context of Nepal.
I think possible constraints that may prevent me from achieving the above tasks are:
·Funding and Financing
·Awareness of rehabilitation, disability, chronic diseases and consequences among community stakeholders and authorized personnel
·Human resources
·Political, social and cultural barriers