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Student part time jobs while learning at campus [3]
Some people think that students should work part-time in order to earn money to ensure better future opportunities, while others argue that they had better pay attention to their study so as to get good results.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is often said that undergraduates ought to have part-time jobs during their school time, whereas some claim that they need to focus on their study instead of earning money. I completely agree with the idea that students should be encouraged to engage in part-time work to gain more than just money.
To begin with, there is no doubt that money is necessary in order for undergraduates to meet their basic needs. Therefore, a part-time job will allow them to at least pay for their tuition fees, as well as having a reasonable quality of life. Furthermore, it is evident that people nowadays are likely to find it hard to earn money, and working during school years will teach students to fully understand the true value of money in life, so that they will be able to form a saving habit, use money wisely and build spending plans, which are highly beneficial for their future. Although they might struggle to balance work and study, overcoming this will help them master time management to deal with deadlines effectively and achieve their goals as scheduled.
In my opinion, working while in college or university can offer many different advantages to students. Firstly, through earning, students may gain a feeling of confidence, independence, and pride in themselves, therefore they can realize their own value and have a sense of maturity. More importantly, these jobs will provide them with essential skills and useful experience that certainly improve their career prospects. For instance, because personal skills and practical experience are the key consideration when employing, candidates who have worked part-time in the past tend to be more attractive to employers when compared to those with no job experience at all.
In conclusion, I am of the opinion that students with part-time work rather than those who only concentrate on study, will thrive in the society and thus, this trend need encouraging and promoting.