Posts by shakeela kasi
Joined: Dec 11, 2009 |
Last Post: Jan 9, 2010
Threads: - Posts: 8
From: Pakistan
Displayed posts: 8
shakeela kasi Jan 9, 2010
Essays /
How to start an admission essay about myself? [67]
ok thnk.
i will more work on my wriitng skill. i wanna leran english very quickly.and i wanna know is there any paneca for that.i wanna see my english wriitng improved. and when i enter in new class my teacher praise my english. so im trying hope i wil leran quickly.
shakeela kasi Jan 8, 2010
Essays /
How to start an admission essay about myself? [67]
thnx you all. i love and iam very happy that you consider my request. i statred grammer course. which i hope will help me inshAllah.But there is somtime confusion the sentenses written there i can understand.word and there proper usage.Especially whn im writtng any liture assignment.some tim langouge assingment.
shakeela kasi Dec 12, 2009
Essays /
How to start an admission essay about myself? [67]
thnx kevin
but i dit understand these red lines are these the mistakes. if these are the msitakes thn how i improve .
can u suggest som book through which i improve mi english writtng skills
shakeela kasi Dec 12, 2009
Essays /
How to start an admission essay about myself? [67]
i wrote essay about myself but iam sorry to say no one mark my mistake nd i did get ay suggestion. i dot know how to strt essay.wta bout the introduction section the body and the conclusion.i need help in all these section.i wanan improve my writtng skils. because iam not good in english writtng.
shakeela kasi Dec 12, 2009
Faq, Help /
Question about EssayForum - How does this site work? [103]
can u suggest what kind of books should i read. nd it will be very good for me if u teii me about the anme of the books and news papaer. is there any other website which help me in developing writtng skills. plesa if thre any please let me know. iam waitng here fro ur reply.
shakeela kasi Dec 11, 2009
Faq, Help /
Question about EssayForum - How does this site work? [103]
i love english. and wanna be at home in english wriittng. my english is not very good i need help. i wanna get good grades in mi last test my teacger was very disaapointed whn i did not secure good marks in the final test. i get just passing marks. i was the student who just pass the test. although i get good grades in science subject.
so i dot wanna repeat all these in my next test. so i join this forum with tht hope that my english writtng will be improved inshAllah.
shakeela kasi Dec 11, 2009
Essays /
How to start an admission essay about myself? [67]
shakeela kasiiam neww mmeber here. my english is not good or u can say not very good. i need help. how to improve my english writting skill. please i need your help.
iam sure any of you guide me.
shakeela kasi Dec 11, 2009
Essays /
How to start an admission essay about myself? [67]
my name si shakeela. i born in quetta pakistan so quetta is my native place. the place where i open eys.iam student of 10th grade.i hv great intrest in since i wanna be docor. so iam trying very hard inscince subject. i love bilogy but i hate chemistry.iam good at physics. i love english reading and writtng.
we are three sisters. aim the younger one. on of mi sis is married nd enjying her married life. she live in lahore with her inlaws.she is a house wife.MY father is a business man.mother is a also house wife. she is not much educated but she is very strong and like that her doughters do som thing very good in their life. and do som thing very good fro the walfera of poor people. so she wanted us educated nd strong. she is very kind heatred. she hepl the poor nd needy people. so shee also want hese good habits in us as wel.
iam not soft spoken. i hate lise. i can fight fro my right. i acept mi mistake and dot shy to asy soory.i cant see people in trouble.i do work fro them.
iam not very good student in the class iam just normal. but my amibission are very high. whn i see myself and performnece and thn see mi ambitoins it doest match.
i wanna do something verty good for the batterment of women.
may ALALH hepl me.
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