Undergraduate /
Karate Test, MIT significant challenge [8]
I like this approach a lot better. I'm not the best writer but I can tell when something works and I was a little confused by the first paragraph. I think it was the "washed away" part and the "It was not me" wasn't clear that you didn't win. This is such an important paragraph so I hope you can make it pop.
I suggest you make it clear - I did not win. It was not my name they announced. How did you feel? Something more along the lines that your efforts felt worthless rather than "washed away" because that confused me.
And more like "This memory haunted me as I prepared for my..." because having "year old" confused me until I realized you had jumped forward already to the next year. Does this make sense? You were describing last year, jumped forward to this year, then jumped backward to months before the test at the start of the second paragraph. So I had to reread it several times to understand. Just that small change will make it sequential.
In the second paragraph, I think you could remove some things to focus on how you changed your approach because that is impressive. You didn't just repeat your old training, but harder, you became smarter. This is what engineering is about - not just doing the same things but finding new ways. Make sure the reader doesn't skim over that! I barely caught it.
During the final months before my test, I had to polish my karate skill to a new level. Rather than repeat the same training system
as last time , I implemented a new one specifically designed to correct even the most minute of errors.
Through private sessions with my instructor, I was able to master everything from body positioning to mental composure. In addition, I began recording I recorded myself to carefully scrutinize and refine even the most minor motions. I mastered everything from body positioning to mental composure. With my final karate test rapidly approaching, I worked diligently to ensure failure would not be an option.
Last paragraph uses "last times". This should be "last time's" or better yet something like, "my previous" or "my past". But because this is the last sentence and the last opportunity to stress how you dealt with it, can you change "work harder" to point out yet again that you found a new way to train, a new approach. Drive that point home!