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Religious extremism and militancy - essay outline and response [2]
Religious extremism and militancyOut-line
What is religious extremism and militancy?
Different aspects of religious extremism and militancy
* History of religious extremism and militancy
* Samuel Huntington work on clash of civilizations
*Difference among fundamentalist, religious extremism and terrorism
* Lands of emergence in contemporary world
*misunderstanding after 9/11
> Divine religions and extremism
*Christian extremism
* Jewish extremism
*Muslim extremism
>Factors responsible for Religious extremism
*power of fear
(Winston Churchill said..We have nothing to fear, but fear itself)
>End of all Religious extremisms
>Implication of all UNO resolutions
>End of political motivated wars or state terrorism
>Establishment of true democracy in all Muslim states
>End of traditional Madrassas and establish religion-science based madrassas
>Institutes to train the existing brain washed people in all sectors
Come closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.
Religious extremism and militancy
Attention please:
Our green plant is no more green, its red now.
Red, colour of blood. Blood of uncountable innocent's human beings. Human being, the only ruling specie of green planet. This ruling class sent by God on the earth for making it peaceful holy land. Unfortunately some of ill minded members of this specie have started brutally slaughtering other fellow beings for their selfish purposes. In order to hide their selfish black goals, they have been using religion as a white sheet to cover since long time. This religious sheet often called religious extremism, because of strange and different interpretation of religion by these sick minded people, called religious extremists. These extremist groups have roots in all three major divine religions. They used deprived people as a tool to fulfil their interests, as the deprivation of any right, motivate people to do anything for getting their right back. The suppressed people blindly follow the order of religious extremists. These orders may be spreading horror by kidnapping and hijacking or may be spreading terror by killing innocent humans. Any war kill horror and terror can never be won unless religious extremism fixed up and deprivation of people addressed at the right time.
Here are important aspects of Religious extremism. Mistakenly, it often consider similar to fundamentalism and terrorism. Religious extremists are political motivated people where as fundamentalists are not. But Religious extremists can also be fundamentalists. Same is the case of terrorists who not necessarily religious extremists as in the case of Tamil tigers. This was the group of Seri Lankan terrorists who are not religious extremists. But religious extremist can also be terrorists. A part from differences these groups called militants when the embrace violence for achieving their targets.
In addition to that, people assumed religious extremism and militancy as a contemporary phenomenon. They might have not gone through the crusades, inquisitions, Catholics v/s Protestants wars in 17th century and Muslims expansions in 7th to 12th centuries. These are some of the examples that undoubtedly proving the religious extremist links of medieval ages.
Furthermore, Samuel Huntington a famous U.S scholar, wrote in his watershed article in foreign affairs in 1993, after the end of war of ideologies this world will face another war on civilizations. He described it war of identities which comprises religious, ethnicity, linguistics, races, geographic and colour. His predictions became true and now the world is facing clash of identities.
Moreover, extremism is take birth on the soul where control of state is weak, where justice is not done with the people, where state terrorism exist, where cruel dictators exist or where corrupt democracy touching its heights. Pakistan and Taliban extremists, Arab states and dictatorship, Kashmir and India cruelty, Palestine and Israel brutality, Afghanistan and U.S slaughtering of civilians are some of contemporary examples of birth place of extremism.
Referring above examples it became crystal clear that Muslim is not the extremist only as the cases of Afghan-U.S, Palestine-Israel and Kashmir-India. Unfortunately most of the western wise made extremism a Muslim oriented phenomenon especially after 9/11.Although the reality is opposite of this, religious extremism is as common in Christianity and Judaism as in Islam. One needs to clear this biasness first for understanding the real roots religious extremism. Let's have a look on all three divine religions.
In case of Christian extremists, they believe before the coming of Christ, Antichrist will come. When antichrist desecrated the temple of Jerusalem then Christ come and Rapture will happen. But the dilemma is this there is no temple in Jerusalem exists and Jews have to build that temple. Christian extremist firmed to support Israel at all cost for there temple that make their Bible prophesies true. whereas christen stance of support is not as simple as it seems it include supports to kill Palestinians, to back off the UN resolutions, to kill journalists who support poor Palestine and to support India for disturbing peace of Pakistan and to wage war in any country like Iraq, Afghanistan to protect interests of Israel.
Coming towards Jewish extremism, they believe they are most favourable nation of God. Considering them superior form all others they also assume themselves free from all worldly laws. According to they are above the law and no UN or any other international law makes them equal to other inferior human beings. The sense of this super phobia made them brutal, cruel and out of the class of normal human beings. They captured the properties of Poor Palestinians and consider this act according to God will, they fought war with adjusting states and captured their land and consider this act will of God, they are building new settlements in Gaza and western bank, the only left space of displaced Palestinians, and consider this act also will of God. Summing up, Jewish extremists are assuming their salves out of the boundaries of all laws.
Now Islamic extremists, these are not new to Islam. Holy Prophet (S.A.W) described them as
"a group of people from Islam emerged who seems to be more religious in there apparent acts of namaz, fasts etc. But beware they are the people who killed and spread bloodshed on the name of religions. They keep long beards and wear paints higher than usual Muslims. They are not true in their ideologies and not true Muslims."
Khawarij, the name of this group appeared in khelafat period when they martyred Hazrat Usman(R.A) and then Hazrat Ali(R.A).they have their own ideologies different from the mainstream Islam. They interpret holy verses according to their motives and use them to brain wash the unaware Muslims. It is also proven fact that the killed Muslims more than non Muslims up till now, because they believe that all Muslims are disbeliever who are not believing in their ideologies' part from them the real Islam is the 180 degree different from khawarij extreme believes and many scholars gave fatwa to declare these Islamic extremist out of the circle of Islam.
Accordingly, these all religious extremist needs ground to flourish and penetrate in the public's mind. They have a powerful tool of 'fear' to spread their politically motivated and selfish ideologies. Fear, is that highly motivated tool that not only work through external hands but also give sparks to internal energies.
Winston Churchill said, we have nothing to fear, but fear itself.
Fear comprises,political,social,religious,cultural,linguistic,national,ethe nic,geographic,racial and castes. For instance in the starving period of Africa mother eat her child when she feel extreme hunger. By keeping this fear and pain of deprivation in mind one can understand if a mother became powerless in front of fear and deprivation then a common person how can resists. When people fear to lose their rights or deprived of any right then they joins hands with those who satisfying for their rights or rewards even in next world.
Resulting, form the above discussion, there is a dare need to take some inevitable steps for making our world free from religious extremism and militancy.
Firstly all the religious scholars step in to embrace the true and real nature of religion based on the sense of equality of rights for all. A wise approach of religion is the one that leads us to the moderate path.
Secondly, an autonomous and unbiased existence of UN is the need of hour for this global world. Since long times UN is failed to implement its resolutions equally on all nations. It can only restore its credibility by implementing all its pending resolutions specially related to Kashmir and Palestine issues.
Thirdly, state terrorism and politically motivated wars need to end. Until the powerful is exploiting the weaker, the weaker continue to kidnap, robe and explode himself for revenging and for getting his rights back. These politically motivated wars either for geopolitical interests or for natural resources are the open breach of international laws. These wars are the one of the major cause of religious extremism. As in 1979 big power gave rebirth to religious extremism for fulfilling their selfish interests that became, first win then loose, strategy for it.
Fourthly, real democracy needs to be established in Muslim world. After the khelafat period true democracy had never tasted by the Muslims and they are suffering from cruel monarchic and dictators ruled up till now. These selfish dictators either from armed forces or from landlords or monarchic system, not only usurp the rights of poor public but also become puppet in the hands of powerful state .Reckless and suppressed public have nothing to get there rights but to join the religious extremist to get reward in next world.
Fifthly, its responsibility of the state to abolish all rigid religious madrassas and replace them with the modern religion-science based madrassas. In these new madrassas not only religious and scientific knowledge have to be given but also technical training must be there. This approach not only makes them good human beings but productive pillars of economy as well.
Last but not least, state needs to start a refresh course in all major institutions, such as armed forces, intelligence agencies, police and other. By having a glance at recent past, point in case murder of Governor Salman Taseer, it can easily be understood that the requirements of these religious refresher courses is up most important for vanishing religious extremism .These course also important for new arrested brainwashed people in order to reconvert them on the mainstream religion.
Summing up the whole discussion, religious extremism and militancy is that cancer which can not cure without eliminating its roots. For fixing the causes all religions have to show flexibility in there selfish extreme motives so that all the humanity is happily accommodated by this holy land. There is also immense need to address the fears and deprivations of all the people to make them stay far from religious extremist groups.
The irony is that religious extremism always leads to violent conflicts rather the solutions. In real religious extremist are groups who exploit other people to achieve their selfish interests in guise of religion.
Come closer; remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.