Sep 24, 2014
Writing Feedback / Manufacturing sector contributed most in the UK economy throughout the century. [2]
The graph demonstrate the contribution of agriculture, manufacturing and business and financial sectors in the economy of UK during the 20th century.
Overall, the contribution of Agriculture and Manufacturing decreased whereas Business and Financial sector's role increased over the period.
In 1900, almost 50% of the UK economy came from Agriculture which increased slightly in the next 50 years. Manufacturing played an important role as well. In 1900 Manufacturing contributed 45% in the UK economy which dropped by 5% in 1950. O the contrary, Business and Financial sector only filled 10% of the economy in 1950 which was almost 0% in 1900.However, In 2000 the contribution of Agriculture dramatically fall to almost 0%, while Business and Financial sector is the leading sector by contributing 35% of the economy.
In the conclusion, we can say that Manufacturing sector contributed most in the UK economy throughout the century.
The graph demonstrate the contribution of agriculture, manufacturing and business and financial sectors in the economy of UK during the 20th century.
Overall, the contribution of Agriculture and Manufacturing decreased whereas Business and Financial sector's role increased over the period.
In 1900, almost 50% of the UK economy came from Agriculture which increased slightly in the next 50 years. Manufacturing played an important role as well. In 1900 Manufacturing contributed 45% in the UK economy which dropped by 5% in 1950. O the contrary, Business and Financial sector only filled 10% of the economy in 1950 which was almost 0% in 1900.However, In 2000 the contribution of Agriculture dramatically fall to almost 0%, while Business and Financial sector is the leading sector by contributing 35% of the economy.
In the conclusion, we can say that Manufacturing sector contributed most in the UK economy throughout the century.