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Posts by RevtZ_hh [Suspended]
Name: Med Anouar Akkari
Joined: Sep 13, 2014
Last Post: Sep 27, 2014
Threads: 3
Posts: 11  
From: Tunisia
School: LPB

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Sep 25, 2014
Undergraduate / Imagine yourself in a tutorial at Williams. Of anyone in the world, whom would you choose.... [14]

I just have made a final essay to fit with the 400 words limit: I guess it is clean . I hope that you make a quick look at this final essay:

I envision my tutorial class at Williams to include Nikolai Tesla whose curiosity, analytical mind, creativity and challenging character continues to influence the scientific and technological minds of today. Including such a great mind as a student will lead us to future scientific breakthroughs.

Tesla would be the perfect addition to my class in my opinion because he is a person who has been perceived to have a scientific mind that thrives on asking questions, speculating, observing, and drawing conclusions based upon serious experimentation results. When paired up with the naturally inquisitive Tesla, I am sure to develop my own self-confidence when it comes to asking pertinent questions and opening new avenues of investigation. Together, we will create a new field of science that will not conform to standard scientific approach.

Our combined analytical minds will create a boost for our academic careers. He will boost me with his strong axiom of reasoning in all our undertakings while giving him persistence and diligence. Thus making us two notable students on campus, gifted with a keen logical sense that can manage to detail a whole process that would eventually lead to the discovery of new nuclear-electricity theories. Our plan will be make nuclear energy cheaper, safer and thus common for household use especially in the regions experiencing energy shortages. Defending our discovery will help me further shape my reasoning skills to perform in modern Physics.

Tesla will be more than a classmate to me. He will be a mentor. A confidant and fellow creative mind with whom I will be able to be myself because I will have found a kindred spirit who will not be afraid to take leaps of scientific faith just I would. Together, we could strive to develop the craziest sounding equations and then develop out-of-the box solutions. Together, we would become unstoppable and usher in a new era of scientific study.

Tesla and I thrive on challenges. If we didn't, we would not be students of science. That said, we would thrive on our friendly competition and continuously challenge each other to achieve higher, bigger, and better things in the scientific field. We will learn from each other because we will constantly share our triumphs and failures with one another, learning from and helping each other every step of the way. We will have a rooted friendship and partnership that will exist long after our graduation.
Sep 22, 2014
Undergraduate / Acidity/ pH Williams Special Supplement Essay: [3]

Williams Supplement:

Were pH an expression of personality, what would be your pH and why? (Feel free to respond acidly! Do not be neutral, for that is base!) - Inspired by Joshua Harris, Class of 2016

I think I have some ideas but just a question how can I talk about my acidity? is it by past personal experiencs? Fantasy?
And how can I be basic? Bascity ? I don't get the meaning?
Please help me!!

BTW this is a first draft:

People have opinions, ideas and views toward and thus they built their personalities upon these perceptions. They may react violently, peacefully or maybe neutrally. Personally, I think that personality should be extremely elastic because flexibility is a necessary ingredient in life. I see that my pH is variable when coping with different situations and circumstances.

When it comes to hard situation such as an innovative experience, my pH is extremely acid exactly equal to 1. Realizing such an expensive and time-consuming experiment requires this sharpness in personality because this situation is not easy to handle, as it affects the whole community and ultimately humankind. One should not underestimate his role that's why fulfilling successfully fragile tasks including observation, interpretation, analyze, drawing conclusion must be potentially precise and accurate. In such a vital situation, my pH should be no more than 1 unless I will finish by failing : losing money and throwing hard-work in the wind.

As pH mustn't follow my mood, I should maintain my pH by listening to the voice of truth because If I mix acid expression of personality based on logical thinking with basic thoughts my intuition neutralized. But, being neutral is not such a sound standing. So to be well-qualified and profesional person I must always take sides whether it is acid or basic but never neutral because it's a demonstration of passiveness, poor-vision and unawareness.
Sep 22, 2014
Writing Feedback / Topic: Modern agriculture. Toefl exam! [4]

Apart from gramatical and construction errors, I think that this is a consistent piece of writing espicially for a TOEFL Essay.Keep working, good luck.
Sep 22, 2014
Writing Feedback / Making an Impact- Parsons Artist statement 2014 [4]

I think you are a little out of the right way. I believe also, that your poor understanding is obvious as your plan and the whole arguments barely answer the prompt. I suggest that you re-read the assignement and to re-write a stong on-topic essay. Good Luck.
Sep 22, 2014
Undergraduate / Imagine yourself in a tutorial at Williams. Of anyone in the world, whom would you choose.... [14]

Please help me with the essay:

Williams Supplement:

Imagine yourself in a tutorial at Williams. Of anyone in the world, whom would you choose to be the other student in the class, and why?

As a tutorial at Williams, I believe that my class would be curious, Analytical, and creative. And so it will be critical if I stand with a group of people filled with the desire and will to pursue and excel within Science. I imagine that one of them can be Nicola Tesla, a student who best suited to those skills and surroundings.

I would say that the perfect partner to me is Nicola Tesla, a person who perceives the scientific method as a system of asking questions, making speculations, observing and drawing conclusions. Tesla, as a pioneer classmate, will instruct me in order to better understanding of research. To this end, Tesla who is naturally inquisitive has an advantage, as he will, in a sense, help me to apply the scientific method to what I see and observe with little prompting. As a future physicist, this inclination to ask questions about observations can help me in scientific pursuits, especially when questions lead to further questions and begin opening up new avenues of investigation. Tesla The "mad scientist", renowned for his achievements and showmanship, will be a valuable pillar in a successful future class because he is the kind of curious who conform exactly to scientific approach.
Sep 14, 2014
Undergraduate / "For the Love of Physics" / "Creativity" - favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays, music... [4]

Share with us a few of your favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays, pieces of music, musicians, performers, paintings, artists, blogs, magazines, or newspapers. Feel free to touch on one, some, or all of the categories listed, or add a category of your own

Physics Study

"For the Love of Physics" by Professor of Physics Walter Lewin in is one of the best books that I ever come across and one of the best inspiration lectures that I ever watched. As I began attending high-school, Lewin's lectures transform my life as they made physics not only accessible but fun, whether swinging with a pendulum ball to prove that mass has no effect on period, beating a student to create electric charges, making a battery out of cans and water or explaining the principle of conservation of energy by exposing himself in the path of 50-kilos-wreaking ball. In For the Love of Physics, Lewin took me to a fabulous trip, opened my eyes as never before to the wonders of physics while simply reading a book. His amazing ability to reveal the beauty and power that nature encapsulates led my way to the path of scientific exploration. I began with simply imitating his experiments and then I raised my own questions and answered the same questions myself. so that I could enjoy science and entertainment.

I asked myself: Why can we snorkel no deeper than about one foot below the surface? Why are the colors of a rainbow always in the same order? Why pendulum ball have the same period whatever its mass? How can a flea be strong enough to pull a book? Walter Lewin always entertains me as he edifies by using clear, simple and straightforward explanations to phenomena that I am familiar with. His book was the rare gem that changed the way I see the world. It brought me to observe, analyze and problems in daily life as a scientific matter, worth studying as more than a simple task.

I will never forgot the book that enhanced my spirit of curiosity and innovation, "Creativity " by professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ,that include interviews with 91 groundbreaking individuals, including Nobel Prize winners. I dove into this this masterpiece that unveiled the common qualities of science, technology and economy pioneers and give me a quenched answer about what does it take to be a successful creative professional. This book gave me a pure perspective about how effort, hard-work and serious curiosity can be efficient to turn amateur intuitions into gigantesque projects. I get so revolutionary ideas that become as a chore in my life. First, is to take criticism as an advantage not as a setback. If people challenge your pursuit , take the chance prove to them the contraire , increase your effort and devote more of attention to your exciting work."Second, is boosting complex thinking by bringing the entire range of human possibilities within myself . Third, which is the most important is that one should capture moments or opportunities that make life worth living which can be materialized by the Euphoria after a successful experiment or a founding so that one can enrich not only scientific field but also go farther by giving a value to people's life.

These books by its globalist view regarding scientific field is completely an in-depth analysis of creativity and science. Through I understand why creativity needs to be cultivated as scientific entertainment and is necessary for the future of The U.S, if not the world.
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