Scholarship /
"The Period Company" CAREER and returning home PLANNING [3]
I hope Ive done what you had in mind. Ill write this all over again if you think it's failing to grip readers :
The ultimate goal I have for my career is to expand "The Period Company", the social enterprise I have co-founded, into a self-sustaining establishment with global recognition and affiliates. This, I believe, I will achieve by the year 2025.
In order to achieve this long-term goal I have chartered out target milestones along our path. My focus in the first three years, is to spread menstrual health awareness and improve sanitary waste management in India, since we have no specific structured processes in place. Currently, less than 10% of Indian women have access to basic menstrual management products. Our first milestone will be to bring this up to 13% by 2020 having commenced work in 2015. I have begun by advocating the use of menstrual cups which is a simple, reusable and therefore sustainable option with zero sanitary waste generation. Addressing the discrepancy in healthcare quality in India, the plan is broad-based awareness programs, collaborating with institutions and the health ministry. The initial phases will begin with the urban population followed by the countless without shelter that dot the Indian cityscape.
In October 2017, upon my return to India, which is when the company will receive it's second monetary investment, the first plan I will put into action will be, the establishment of the research and development team in our enterprise. I expect to have presentable data by 2021 and approach the health ministry with a proposal for urban public facility planning, specifically with menstrual hygiene management innovations and sanitary waste disposal methods backed up with researched, statistically validated information. If I accomplish this, we would have covered more than half the distance to our long-term goal.
In addition to bringing seismic changes in women's health and hygiene facilities, my long term goal includes addressing the discrimination in India's palliative care system. Neglected by policy-makers for decades, this public health stream has seen palpable progress only in recent years. Several challenges remain, namely poor infrastructure, limited outreach, understaffed clinics and under-trained caregivers. I am currently formulating a research protocol on 'outcome assessment of health care provided at home'. This study will continue for the tenure of a year. I intend to utilize the information extracted to drive home-healthcare provision into the health policies in India. The implementation of this will largely reduce hospital loads, maintain patient satisfaction and yet allow optimum facility usage.
With my passion for macroscopic, population-impact oriented work, I endeavour to formulate research-driven health impact modules, reducing the barriers towards healthcare. In the long run, I envision using my entrepreneurial platform to formulate policies for health facilities for women, in conjunction with expanding the palliative care system available to initially the urban and then rural poor. Urban development with Research and innovation are vital parts of the UK's priorities in India. Considering my career plans are targeted towards health and hygiene facility development in urban settings, through research and innovation, this scholarship will help me in working towards achieving these priorities cherished by both our countries.