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(Bassma she is smart too) - I have to write my own Recommendation Letter

basmah1414 1 / 1  
Apr 29, 2012   #1
hello my name is basmah , and i was asked to bring an English Recommendation letter for a scholarship from my high school teachers . so i recontact with them and they told me that i have to write it and then thay will sign it. but my English writing is not my best skill , so i need help. please help me by reviewing what i have wrote so far , and edit it .

thank you so mach .
It is true pleasure for me to write this letter of recommendation for Ms. Bassma Xxxx, who was my student in ______ during her last spring semester in high school .Bassma, is without questions one of the most outstanding student in her class.

Bassma have unique leadership skills, she was chosen by her classmate to lead them in the class final project. Which was a fair that gives information about colleges around the world. It was admired by the mission of the Ministry of education. Bassma is also have an entrepreneur spirit she is the president and the founder of the artistic direction club and vice-president of the first book club in school .she also helped organizing many fairs and scientific workshops in school.

Bassma was my right hand in the class, I am sure that bassma will have a profound impact on the world someday , she has a high manners and she is smart two ."
giorgio186 9 / 54  
Apr 30, 2012   #2
It is a real pleasure for me to write this letter of recommendation for Ms. Bassma Xxxx, who was my student in ______ during her last spring semester in high school

Bassma is, with no doubt, one of the most outstanding students in her class.

Bassma have unique leadership skills, she was chosen by her classmate to lead them in the class final project.
She has unique leadership abilities which is why she was chosen for a leader of the class final project by her classmates.

Which was a fair that gives information about colleges around the world
The project aimed to give students information about various colleges around the world.For its unusually high quality, it was praised by the Ministry of Education.

Bassma also has an entreprising spirit; she is a president and a founder of an artistic direction club and a vice-president of the first book club of our school. In addition, she helped organize many fairs and scientific workshops for school.

Bassma was my right hand in the class, I am sure that she will have a significant impact on the world someday, because she shows high manners and an extraordinary intellect.

Hope it helps. Good luck.
Jeecee 5 / 19  
Apr 30, 2012   #3
"Bassma was my right hand in the class, "
That sounded strange to me.

"my right hand man" not for a woman??

How about :
Bassman was chosen as my assisstant in the class.
OP basmah1414 1 / 1  
May 1, 2012   #4
thank you so much Mr.hruban and jimic , i'm sending it new =)

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