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Cover letter for a PhD position in astronomy

RHK 3 / 6  
Oct 31, 2011   #1
I want to apply for a PhD position in an european university out of my country.
This is the first time for me to write a cover letter, so I would like to know if I am right.
Any suggestion is welcome!

Dear Committee Members,

On recommendation of Prof. xxx, xxx University of xxx, I am writing to apply for the PhD. student position at xxx University.

My name is xxx, and I graduated with a Master degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the "xxx" University of xxx.
The thesis topic is the High Energy Astrophysics: I have worked on the state of the art in X-ray astronomy thanks to the release of the iperdeep observation of the Chandra satellite (September 2010).

In this thesis I have performed X-ray spectral analysis for a number of high redshift objects with the intent that study highly obscured (Compton Thick) Active Galactic Nuclei at cosmological distances.

Due to the faintness of the sources and also to their large number in the field, the analysed samples have been built by using colors criteria.

In particular, optical and infrared data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Spitzer telescope have been used to identify and select the right objects and the right redshift range.

This experience lead to me to learn about extreme astrophysical objects, data analysis of X-ray sources, and the necessity of a multi-wavelenght approach.

During the academic career I have chosen to expand my knowledge and experiences through specific courses and laboratories, in order to ensure a wide basis of physical phenomena and theory, and also to go into depth on the matter of some specific subjects, such as modern astrophysical topics and practical ways to do science in professional environment followed by authorities on art.

I have broad experience and interests.
I am very interested in studying extreme astrophysical objects, i.e. black holes of all scales, galaxy formation and evolution, dark matter/galaxy relations.
My current interests primarily include spectral analysis of broadband observations, to unveil physical properties of the spectral components and build significant statical samples.
My experience in data analysis starts from X-ray, but I would also like to implement it with a full ability over the entire electromagnetic spectrum, i.e. including skills in the radio frequencies data analysis.

Introducing myself to this experience starting from a professional and specific site as the Leiden University would be such an opportunity.
I would like also to improve my skills in optical band analysis to the aim of analyze data from optical telescopes as HST or its successor James-Webb ST to probe the infant universe.

I am also interested in instruments developments, that is a fascinating and challenging field in modern astronomy.
To this end I have performed some internship in university roman laboratory, where I contributed to the study, realization and characterization of some innovative detectors or parts of them.

I am attaching my curriculum vitae and degree certificates, my transcripts.
Please let me know if I can provide additional information, i.e. my Master thesis, to aid you in the evaluation of my application.
Thank you very much for the opportunity and your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

EF_Susan - / 2316  
Nov 3, 2011   #2
My name is xxx, and I graduated with a Masters D egree in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the "xxx" University of xxx.

In this thesis I have performed X-ray spectral analysis for a number of high redshift objects, with the intent to study highly obscured (Compton Thick) Active Galactic Nuclei at cosmological distances.

This experience lead to me to learn about extreme astrophysical objects,...

During my academic career I have chosen to expand my knowledge and experiences through specific courses and laboratories, in order to ensure a wide basis of physical phenomena and theory, and also to go into depth on the matter of some specific subjects, such as modern astrophysical topics and practical ways to practice science in professional environment followed by authorities on art.

I am also interested in instruments developments, which is a fascinating and challenging field in modern astronomy.

To this end I have performed some internships in university...

I am attaching my curriculum vitae,and degree certificates, and transcripts.

Good luck in school and have fun! This sounds like a very exciting and rewarding field you've chosen!

OP RHK 3 / 6  
Nov 4, 2011   #3
thank you so much :)

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