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The Interrogation of The Good - Bertolt Brecht poem

jefinc 1 / -  
Oct 20, 2014   #1
The Interrogation of The Good

"The interrogation of the good the speaker of the poem is the author Berolt Brecht, and in my opinion is about a wealthy man who is being interrogated. Some might say that he is speaking to a group of people or on behalf of them in a court setting. When Berolt writes, "Are you also a good friend to the good people? " He uses the metaphor good friend to compare it to good people; he's questioning what is perceived as a good person. When berolt writes, "you cannot be bought but the lighting which strikes the house also cannot be bought" he uses the metaphor to compare lighting with house, and the metaphor is effective because it indicates that he cannot be bribed or bought.

The author also indicates that he's an honest and loyal man. "you hold to what you say" which conveys that the speaker is a good friend he has all the merits of a good person; he's brave, wise, and honest. This puts his assassination into question why would they want to kill a good guy with all his good qualities? Some people might say that the reason is because he's viewed as an enemy despite all the good merits he possesses.

When brecht writes "we shall put you in front of a good wall and shoot you" he's using irony since he's a good guy he deserves to die in front a good wall not just any wall, and They're also using a sarcastic tone. I've notice they're using a metaphor in the line when he says "shoot you with a good bullet from a good gun", the gun is a metaphor for a good guy. In my opinion the theme of a "The integration of the good" is that you can have all these good qualities but good is perceived differently especially if you're the enemy.

What can be good for some people might be bad for others. This poem is very meaningful. The subjectivity of good and evil rely on the observer's personal understanding. At the end of the day society seems to shares the same common belief of what is right and what is wrong.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Oct 22, 2014   #2
Great job here.. I'll suggest some options for possibly improving the clarity of the introduction.

"The interrogation of the good the speaker of the poem is the author Berolt Brecht, and in my opinion is -- This is like a blur of confusion when I read it. You can start with:

The speaker in "The Interrogation of the Good" is...
...and in my opinion he is..

Some might say that he is speaking to a group of people or on behalf of them in a court setting. ---Is this different from your opinion or part of your opinion? When you say 'my opinion' and then 'some might say' it makes it seem like you are contrasting your opinion against what others say. So maybe it's better to do this:

Some might say that I interpret him to be speaking to a group ...

At the end of the essay you have the sentences that express the main idea. I think you should put those at the beginning. When you express the most important idea at the beginning, the rest of the essay can explain it. But if it's at the end, the whole essay is confusing.

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