Tell me if it isn't true for you?
That when you're not caught up in 'things to do',
your mind is not submersed, as if,
in some deep and bottomless ocean of feelings .. painful and pleasant, and all shades in between.
Each feeling an association with the happenings in your life,
and you with no choice, except to feel them all, in quiet acceptance.
In that space within,
there is yet some room to breathe,
created as though by another feeling,
which has not come in response,
directly, of these things happening with you.
It is almost of another nature, but not quite.
And you, you most want to believe in this.
So cold and refreshing is the wash of this feeling.
You believe you even have some hold on it,
to make it live on.
A feeling of joy bathing the dried up limbs of your soul, the person within.
You feel it in the region of your heart, a sweet pain,
like a person estranged, an outcast, who doesn't care.
Imagine a darkness, infinite;
against it, a dried tree its branches like claws in the sky;
and trapped within, a cold blue lightning, crackling from limb to limb;
no other place to go but this entity, until finally, it bursts into a flame.
The cracking sound giving way to a soothing murmur;
a diffusing warmth spreading through the coldness of the night.
You regard the scene. Your life, the tree
.. its gray and dried branches, ready to fall.
This incessant lightning, biting your ears;
till finally it finds enough of your substance and bursts into flame;
devouring, devouring sweetly; your limbs,
as they turn to ashes, pieces falling into a nothingness below.
You come from somewhere, see the scarring on the ground,
your cremated remains; and wonder, who was there ?
That when you're not caught up in 'things to do',
your mind is not submersed, as if,
in some deep and bottomless ocean of feelings .. painful and pleasant, and all shades in between.
Each feeling an association with the happenings in your life,
and you with no choice, except to feel them all, in quiet acceptance.
In that space within,
there is yet some room to breathe,
created as though by another feeling,
which has not come in response,
directly, of these things happening with you.
It is almost of another nature, but not quite.
And you, you most want to believe in this.
So cold and refreshing is the wash of this feeling.
You believe you even have some hold on it,
to make it live on.
A feeling of joy bathing the dried up limbs of your soul, the person within.
You feel it in the region of your heart, a sweet pain,
like a person estranged, an outcast, who doesn't care.
Imagine a darkness, infinite;
against it, a dried tree its branches like claws in the sky;
and trapped within, a cold blue lightning, crackling from limb to limb;
no other place to go but this entity, until finally, it bursts into a flame.
The cracking sound giving way to a soothing murmur;
a diffusing warmth spreading through the coldness of the night.
You regard the scene. Your life, the tree
.. its gray and dried branches, ready to fall.
This incessant lightning, biting your ears;
till finally it finds enough of your substance and bursts into flame;
devouring, devouring sweetly; your limbs,
as they turn to ashes, pieces falling into a nothingness below.
You come from somewhere, see the scarring on the ground,
your cremated remains; and wonder, who was there ?