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Clean water - Chevening Leadership and Influence Essay

antonio1995 1 / -  
Sep 23, 2023   #1

Clean water

During the final year of my degree, I became involved in the issue of access to clean water in the most water-scarce areas of my hometown, Sucre. Consequently, I decided to undertake a project aimed at addressing this problem, focusing my research on the study of groundwater. To carry out the project, I managed to secure funding from the water services company, ELAPAS, and worked closely with the various stakeholders in each neighborhood. I was responsible for coordinating all project activities, from initial research and sample collection to the implementation of purification units. In this way, I ensured compliance with Sustainable Development Goal 6 and Water Quality Regulation NB512. As a result, a total of 70 families are no longer exposed to diseases related to consuming contaminated water. Furthermore, awareness has been raised about the importance of hygiene and responsible water consumption, leading to a positive change in the population's habits.

Additionally, I have had the opportunity to be part of the board of the Scientific Society of Civil Engineers Univalle-Sucre. During my time in this organization, I took on the responsibility of coordinating all activities related to hydraulics and hydrology. Given the pandemic situation, coordinating virtual events and activities became an essential aspect. We presented topics of great relevance such as sustainable water management, the role of women in the water sector, and the concept of virtual water. I took my role in society very seriously, actively participating in decision-making and motivating others to get involved in the organization's projects. Furthermore, thanks to collaboration with the vice president of the national civil engineers' society, we were able to draft my first scientific article, which was published in a prestigious indexed journal in Costa Rica. It is gratifying to know that the information provided in this article will be of great use to future researchers and publications.

In the following year, I highlight my participation as a member of ABIS Chuquisaca. As an active member, I have had the opportunity to work on impactful projects and activities, such as organizing the "1st Water Fair" in the city of Sucre. In this event, more than 17 companies had the opportunity to showcase their specialties in the water sector, addressing topics such as well drilling, water purification, and tools for leak detection, among others. The workshop was attended by students from different universities, companies, and the general population, achieving significant exposure in the city. Additionally, it is important to note that although the association was founded without legal documents, the founding act would be signed the following year, in which I was one of the 8 professionals recognized.

In summary, despite not having a high GPA, through these experiences, I have demonstrated leadership skills by motivating and guiding teams, setting clear goals, ensuring their achievement, and making sound decisions in challenging situations. I am convinced that my leadership ability and influence would be valuable for the Chevening scholarship, as it would allow me to contribute significantly to the development of my country, improve living conditions, and promote sustainable water management.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Oct 7, 2023   #2
The presentation is too selfish in focus. This is all about your leadership skills, but it is also wanting in proving your people skills through your influencing abilities.Remember that you can be a leader, but not an influencer. What Chevening is looking for is a person who embodies both leadership and influencing in his everyday life or professional career. You are definitely a strong leader, but I would not necessarily call you influential in that sense. Mostly because you appear to have directed everything on your own, without any teamwork. So you have to revise the essay to show that you are capable of working with a team in order to succeed in a project.

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