Cancer Research - I cannot look any further
A country deprived of oncologists and whose scope in cancer research and study from its drug compendium is bare and bereft of innovative designs of tackling cancer undeniably should take heed of World Cancer Day 2016 call by Mr Ban Ki-Moon - "We must do more to end the many tragedies that cancer inflicts."
Cancer lately has been a burden in need of imperative attention if the nation hopes to achieve its Cancer free Zimbabwe 'mantra'. Some of the ways I propose so Zimbabwe can solve many of the cancer tragedies is by emphasizing on preventative measures, early diagnosis and treatment as well as palliative care for advanced cancer patients. To actualize that, a cancer policy backed by a fully functional referral system with adequate qualified personnel is a requisite.
This is the rationale behind my pursuit of Commonwealth Shared Scholarship in XXX at University xxx so as to amass essential transferable knowledge and skills to be a pioneer in expanding the scope of the cancer field. Zimbabwean government faces tremendous pressures among: infrastructure development, power generation, employment creation and enactment of economic growth policies hence cancer has remained low on the agenda. Thence this scholarship affords me opportunity to be a development catalyst involved in advancement of processes we use including standard treatment guidelines in hospitals and broader cancer policies in the country.
Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have; furthermore enhanced patient access to health is one of DFID list of priorities for a stable and prosperous Zimbabwe. Thus on conclusion, I hope to have mastered skills of current cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment as well as improving cancer practice processes to aid in thorough research and evaluation of available information and evidence so as to give patients evidence-based therapy, essential for improving patient outcomes and experiences. Evidence-based therapy results in more rational prescribing, lower costs and improved patient use which culminates to reduced healthcare costs with improved benefits. In a country where over sixty per cent households live below poverty datum line and over eleven per cent are unemployed, the saved money from reduced healthcare costs can be injected into other economy sectors in addition to improved employment opportunities in research and therapy all which improve standard of living.
Post award, the CSC can track my work by contacting me and my impact towards development can be assessed by analysing national cancer prevalence and incidence rates as well as cost-benefit ratios of prevention strategies and therapies I will propose. Furthermore most of my work will be in collaboration with government responsible departments and other institutions like Medical Universities, which all can willingly avail information about my contribution to the cancer field.
As I aspire to add my perspective to policy decisions resulting in ending many tragedies inflicted by cancer and attain a cancer free Zimbabwe, I cannot look any further than Commonwealth Shared Scholarship in XXX at University of XXX.
Can you help me out with additions, subtractions and correctionsHolt Educational Consultant - / 15585 Bigie, the requirement of the scholarship is that your field of study for the masters degree must be involved or part of an ongoing national development priority or objective. You have not mentioned any government related project that would back the need for more Oncologists in your country. The reference to Ban Ki Moon at the start of the essay is misplaced and does not relate to the actual prompt requirements. I strongly suggest that you do research in the government health sector that better ties in with your desire to gain a masters degree in Oncology. Without the government relationship, you will not be able to accurately represent how an accurate and progressive measurement of the success of your post study plan can be measured. Find the connection first and then revise the essay based upon your new information. Right now, this essay is good but lacks the solid foundation that a government supported project can bring to the essay.
What Holt said is right, you need to do more research and also specifically answer what is required of you. It can be sometimes difficult to express all your thoughts in 500 words, but try to pick out the relevant ones.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 When you discuss the cancer program of your government, rather than indicating the questions that crossed your mind, you should focus on presenting the areas of concern that the program has, what kind of solutions your government has enacted in order to address the cancer problem in your society. Your motivation for studying this program must align with the requirements of the government policy and reflect the same throughout your essay. You have presented too many goals for your line of study in relation to the requirements of your government. It would be best if you focus on only one area of concern in oncology instead. That way you can fully focus on presenting the possible benefits that your masters degree can bring to your country. For example, indicate that you will concentrate on creating a non-invasive and affordable method of biopsy which your government can subsidize for the potential cancer patients. Indicate that you will study the best way to prevent the spread of cancer through the early detection procedure. The measure of success for your program is logical and carries information that can easily be considered as achievable by the reviewer so that paragraph works just fine. It is the earlier discussion of your essay that still needs some adjustment.
Thanx for the ideas i have tried to review my essay in line with what you advised and i have tried to focus on a need for evidence based guidelines and tried to tailor my essay along that. I would appreciate if you can review this update.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 Clarify how you plan to implement your ideas in cooperation with your government and the department of health. You make your ideas sound so easy in the paragraph. It needs a reality check and that check is "How can you effectively implement these goals in relation to your government's cancer program?" Provide that explanation and the paragraph aligns itself as a response to the requirement that indicates:
Please say how, on your return, you will apply your new skills and qualifications, and what outcomes you will hope to achieve. This could usefully be related to a national development priority or objective.
Those explanations must tie in directly with the government programs. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to implement on your own.
okay i get your point. Of which the problem with this essay is limited number of words. The government proposed that research be done in collaboration with National Institute of Health research so my question is can u use the government national institute as an implementation partner to change policies