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What is one event in your life that has changed you as a person?

Glendont 1 / -  
Dec 17, 2015   #1
Hello everyone! I am currently applying for a local university scholarship and the essay theme is based on an event in my life has changed myself as a person.

I have drafted out a true personal story below. Unfortunately, I am not good with essays and I would like to gather all constructive feedbacks/criticisms! Thank you so much for your help!

Just like any other 12 year olds, my happy life consisted of sweet treats and even sweeter thoughts, an endless array of bite-sized banality. All that changed on November 17th that year. I remember the setting with such clarify and precision that it seems somehow unreal; a figment of my overactive imagination.

It was one of those ordinary nights, my dad was back at home from work and the family was having dinner in the dining room. All of a sudden, he collapsed onto the ground. His hands grasped helplessly at his diaphragm and his face turned red as he squirmed in excruciating pain. We rushed him to the hospital immediately.

"Colorectal cancer...?" I could not comprehend what was being told. How could this be happening? Despite advancing into his 50s, the disease seemed impossible. Being the sole breadwinner, he slogged long hours day-in and day-out just to make ends meet. Yet, never once did he reveal a trace of exhaustion. In my eyes, he is a strong, courageous and indestructible pillar of support. The ineradicable marvel superhero has now fallen.

I read all I could find online, I was utterly terrified. What would our family do without him? He was the stronghold that held our family together. I had a premonition that my mom would fall apart, that I would have to hold everything together if he left our lives because there was nobody else. I didn't know how to, but I knew that I had to.

Soon enough, it became a routine to spend late nights doing homework at the hospital, as if it was my second home. Many times I wanted to stop schooling just so that I didn't have to juggle between my academics and taking care of my parents. However, my father insisted that I stayed in school. Despite his debilitating illness, his infectious love for learning motivated me to keep going. Also, being the only child, the least I could do was to make him proud by excelling in school.

After countless check-ups, numerous MRIs and 3 major operations, my father emerged victorious from the gruesome battle that put our family through hell. Now, 7 years later, as I look back at the past, I am proud of how much I have grown as a person. As traumatic of an experience as it was, I learnt invaluable life lessons from this experience. Cancer, illness and death were things I never thought would affect me. It was the first time I experienced such harsh reality. It changed my perspective on life and taught me to be strong from a young age. As fragile as human lives are, I realized that human beings have so much capacity and potential. We are so small, but we can do so much. I began to live life as it was my last, putting the best version of myself forward in everything I do. Most importantly, I truly realized the importance of a family, the anchor during rough waters.

Word count - 499 words

Limit (500 words)

vangiespen - / 4088  
Dec 18, 2015   #2
Glen, I would like you to review the essay that you wrote and tell me if you think the essay talks more about your father and his cancer than it does about you and how the cancer helped you evolve as a person. The reason I am asking you to do that is because, from the point of view of a reviewer, your essay is not about yourself but your father. Every step of the essay, including the highlights, were about how your father battled cancer and how he overcame it. There was very little to represent how you had to deal with the cancer and how you overcame the obstacle in your life in order to become a better version of yourself.

Make the essay speak less about your father. You can do this by simply telling the reviewer that your father had cancer when you were 12 years old. That you had to live with your father's battle with cancer for the next 7 years of your life and during that time, you experienced changes in your situation in life. Talk about how you had to mature faster than others your age, maybe you had to take on more responsibility, or you had to become the provider for the family as your father fought the cancer.

Basically, the story needs to tell us more about you, how the cancer affected you, and how you used that experience in order to learn lessons that you would not have normally had to learn or deal with. In other words, from cancer came your maturity :-)

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