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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

novelsnerd98 1 / 1  
Dec 13, 2014   #1
Write a statement of not more than 300 words explaining why you are interested in attending a United World College, describing both what you might contribute to the College and what you hope to gain

Ralph Waldo said;
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
UWC is offering me a chance to leave a trail and I do not want to lose it. Being the first one in the family to have an opportunity of studying abroad, I will be leaving a trail for all the girls who do not get the permission to study abroad. I am interested in UWC because so far UWC has been successful in uniting people under one roof despite the diversity in languages, cultures, traditions and psyche.

I will not only be refining my personality but also representing my country. I want people to know that living in Pakistan is not a horrific dream but the most beautiful one. Being a citizen of Pakistan I've learnt to neglect the terrifying moments and savor the good ones at the same time thanking the God for keeping me alive when so many of the others have died. I will also introduce my flourishing culture, traditions, literature and ravishing cuisine. I will help my fellow co-years in every possible way and I will be there for them when they will be miles away from their families.

I hope to gain skills which I will apply to achieve my goal . I hope to make friends for lifetime. I hope to gain a sense of confidence and independence which will help me in practical life. On top of all I hope to gain a positive change in my life.

vangiespen - / 4088  
Dec 13, 2014   #2
Anon, you need to balance the content of this essay. Try to eliminate the quote from Emerson because that deducts from the all important word count. While you have a very personal reason for wanting to attend UWC, you should also touch solidly on the academic offerings of the university in relation to your decision to attend UWC. the path that you should be blazing should be for yourself. You cannot do anything for the other women in your country except become a status symbol for them as the one who succeeded in getting out. That however, is not the main reason you should wish to attend UWC. Offer an insight into the kind of academic expectations and goals that you hope UWC can help you achieve during your tenure as a student. Try to balance the essay between your personal reasons, academic desires, opportunities offered by the university, and finally, what you in turn can offer the university in terms of creating a diversified student community and achieving academically during your time as a student.
anees 1 / 4  
Dec 15, 2014   #3
United World College

its good as far as your personal concerns. but i'm sure you had struggled very hard to get that and this essay seems to have a missing element the reason of your struggle.
smunoz23 3 / 10  
Dec 21, 2014   #4
I think you should provide examples that back up your ideas such as,
What are your culture traditions and literature you will introduce?
What skills do you hope to gain?
And how you will help your fellow Co-years.

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